I'm working on a big batch of birds at the moment (due to fly off to Switzerland sometime soon) and I've been making use of some lovely vintage trays to lay out all my pieces ready for sewing...

I often use the upturned lid of whatever "work in progress" box I'm attending to at the time to lay out bits and pieces that I'm working on, as so often projects carry on over the course of several days and I have to pack away my workbox or move from one room to another. As I don't have a dedicated studio space a portable workspace is invaluable.
The trays only come out for big projects when I've got what feels like millions of pieces to cut out and neatly arrange... otherwise I just end up having lots of felt-covered trays lying around the place and no-where to put them!
The repeating abstract blocks of colour made by the little piles of felt is also proving strangely inspiring. I think abstract felt patterns could look rather lovely... hmm...
Wow. That is a lot of birdies!
I know the feeling re: lack of studio, but I have plans for my grown up house (come july) which the boy is not yet aware of!
When I saw all these pieces, I thought it was some kind of Chinese food or open faced sandwich! On other hand, I wondered about creating and using stamp so you don't need to trace little pieces every time?
It is always fascinating to see works before they are assembled and sewn, it makes them seem like a miracle of making order out of chaos.
Hey Lupin,
I think abstract pieces of felt would look great! i love it when that happens, when you stumble upon inspiration when you dont really expect to.
iv'e been following your blog for a while after i accidently stumbled upon a picture of your work on flickr when i was looking for something else, i have to say i have become a little addicted and i tune in daily to see whats new and i never find myself disapointed, there is allways a lovely and inspiring post waiting :-)
so much so in fact, that you were a big part of MY inspiration to open up my own blog "itchy fingers". it does not have much in it yet, but i will soon fill it up with my own art, hopefully an "etsy" shop wil follow... <3
Rhiannon - ssshh, boys don't need to know these things... plus he wants you to be happy, right? so you *must* have a studio! ;)
Jean - all of these were quite easy to cut out using a little paper pattern, but thanks for your suggestion :)
Itchy Fingers - Thankyou! & best of luck with your own blog :D
I too use trays to keep my works in progress, or as a "portable workspace," mostly for tesserae when I'm working on a mosaic. Yours certainly do look like works of art in themselves!
this is true cubism!
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