In other news: the lovely people at Etsy featured one of my designs in their "Etsy Finds" shopping email today, which was rather nice. Apparently it has over 17,000 subscribers. My mum is very proud :)
Monday, 29 September 2008
Knitting + Tea + Cake = Sunday Afternoon Bliss
In other news: the lovely people at Etsy featured one of my designs in their "Etsy Finds" shopping email today, which was rather nice. Apparently it has over 17,000 subscribers. My mum is very proud :)
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Folksy changes almost every day or so, with great little tweaks and improvements happening to make it more user-friendly and preparing the site for launch. The Folksy guys were kind enough to waive our listing fees for July as a thankyou for all our "beta tester" feedback (ie all the nagging) and they have a fantastic status page where they let us know what's been changed and what's coming soon, and give us more updates in their forums. It's taking me a while to get the hang of the site & to get my stock listed (though the listing process is very speedy now they've added a "list similar" function) but I'm definitely pleased with it so far and I'm so, so happy to have somewhere that's in my own currency!
Etsy is having a few growing pains at the moment (staff changes and a few problems with the search function), but they've been rolling out lots of useful new features over the past few months - a "vacation mode" for shops, a way of leaving batch feedback and an auto-reply to stop people replying to Etsy conversations via email by accident - and they feel like a promising beginning. I love Etsy already but anything that makes my life easier and my selling process simpler is a bonus: I am keeping my fingers crossed for more.
DaWanda meanwhile has been having a total overhaul of their categories and search systems, which has meant a bit of extra work in the short term as I've had to reassign categories and pick what they call "characteristics" for all my items (style, main material, etc and then colours which I've blogged about before) ... but it makes searching for things so much easier! The main search reminds me of Ebay, as you get a category breakdown for your search results. For example, if you type in "squirrel" you now get this:
I've also made a few changes myself. I dipped my toes in lots of online-selling ponds this year as part of my new year's resolution to expand my business and try out different markets, including setting up properly on DaWanda and (more recently) trying out Folksy. Those two are making me happy thus far, but a few others haven't worked out.
I tried Mintd but found it just too buggy and hard to list things and it didn't seem worth investing in one of their seller packages just to sit cussing when things didn't load properly! Then I was really pleased earlier in the year at the arrival of PinkDoodle, which promised to be an English Etsy... but it was so dead quiet that the moment Folksy showed up I jumped ship and headed over there instead.
I'd also been working on a shop at iCraft, a Canadian site which I really do like the look of... but I've been so busy recently that I've neglected it badly, and now just don't have the time this year to set it up properly. So, to avoid stretching myself too thin I've closed up shop there for the moment but hope to lavish some attention upon it in the spring. I felt terribly guilty about this decision for a while, but I think I'd much rather concentrate on doing some things (Etsy, Dawanda, Folksy) well than run myself into the ground just for the sake of "having another outlet".
That's enough waffle for today, I think!
Friday, 26 September 2008
I Love My Customers

Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Being On Trend
I just wanted to mention that felt brooches are, apparently, very "on trend" this season. My much more fashionable younger sister informs me that they appeared on many a catwalk this month and there are even felt brooches selling in Topshop now:
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Lovely Supplies: Fabric
First up, I have to mention summersville: the new shop from artist lusummers, selling gorgeous handprinted fabric and other printed goodies. Summersville has had some fantastic blog press lately, showing up on Design*Sponge, Poppytalk and Modish [edit: and now decor8 too!], and it's not surprising: delicious looking prints, and some of the most charming and quirky product photos around! I've been dreaming up lots of things I could make with her Totem print ...

Monday, 22 September 2008
I wanted to do something special for the last day, so I picked a project I've been wanting to work on for just ages - turning my big pile of bird sketches (made in June) into actual brooches. They need their beaks and eyes and, you know, sewing together but they're starting to look like birds already...
Watch out for the whole flock of birdies arriving in my Etsy shop over the next few weeks...
UPDATE: My robin design is now available as a sewing pattern and my other birdies are coming soon! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Question Time
Can you give us a brief intro of yourself, background? My name is Laura Howard, I’m 26 and I live in a little flat with my boyfriend and lots of pot plants in Gloucester, England. I studied English Literature at University but instead of getting a “proper job” after I graduated, I decided to start making things instead! I now work part-time in a little gift shop here in Gloucester and spend all my free time sewing things out of felt. I have a shop for my work on Etsy, where I’m known as Lupin
What’s the inspiration for you to create the works? I love turning my obsessions into sweet felt objects for people to cherish. I adore anything to do with English teatime - tea, teacups, cake - and am currently being very inspired by woodland animals and all the flowers I’m trying to grow in my balcony garden.
Besides creating what else do you commit yourself to? I drink a lot of cups of tea! I also love to bake (homemade cakes always taste nicer than shop-bought ones) and to curl up with a good book. I think about my work a lot, even when I’m not busy sewing: I am always doodling new ideas on scraps of paper wherever I go.
What part of your job you like most? I really enjoy taking a small idea from my head and turning it into a real tangible item, it’s very satisfying when things turn out how I want them to. I also enjoy shipping my work to people - I love the thought of people far across the world wearing my accessories.
What types of material interest you most? My very favourite material is felt. It’s very easy to work with (I don’t have the patience for seams or hemming) and it is so deliciously colourful.
What’s your childhood like? What’s the dream you held when you were a kid?I always loved arts and crafts when I was a kid, making birthday cards for people, clothes for my dolls, all sorts of things. I hoarded any piece of shiny paper or pretty fabric I got my hands on in case I could use them to make things with! I never really knew what I wanted to do when I grew up and definitely had no idea I’d get the chance to be so creative every day.
Do you have some favorite games or toys? My boyfriend and I like to play a board game called “Trivial Pursuit” during the long winter evenings. It’s a general knowledge game and my boyfriend always wins because I know nothing at all about geography, history or sport!
What’s your favorite book, and music? I read lots of Agatha Christie novels, and lots of books that are supposed to be for children. Lauren Child is my current favourite children’s author - her illustrations are so charming. I listen to music to relax, and love folk music and singers like Joni Mitchell, Martha Wainwright and Sufjan Stevens.
Name some items you like to collect in life? I collect vintage tea sets and other crockery. My kitchen is full of bright retro patterns, it’s very cheerful.
What’s your favorite little things? Seeing things grow, letters from friends and a nice cup of tea.
Who has the strongest influence on your creative development? Before and present ? I’m very inspired by artists who work for themselves and make their own path in life, but I don’t have any particular creative influences.
Can you describe the so-called FASHION in your definition? Mainstream fashion can be very boring. I don’t want to be told what to wear every season; I want to choose for myself!
Do you have the support from your family ?Absolutely. My family have always been very supportive of anything I’ve done in life, and my mum is probably my best customer!
Given the choice, what place on the planet would you like to live?I would love to move back to Bristol (where I went to university), or perhaps to London - somewhere busy with lots of art and culture to soak up and people to meet.
How will you describe your Aesthetic ? My work is bright and cheerful, sunny and sweet and an explosion of colour. I hope it makes people happy.
Do you want to make your craftworks a famous big brand ? I’d like to be “just big enough”: earning enough to get by and not working too hard that I stop enjoying what I do. I am very proud that I make everything myself with love and care, I don’t want to turn into a mini factory.
Is there anything you can’t live without it? I have to be creative every day, even if I just spend five minutes sketching. Also I don’t think I could live without cups of tea!
PS no idea what's gone wrong with the font in this post - no matter how many times I try to change it just rebels! Oh well...
Friday, 19 September 2008
It's the Little Things...

UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Crafting vs Housework (C365/362)
In other news: lovely blog reader Lynn dropped me a line to say she'd spotted one of my lavender teabags over on Serious Eats, illustrating a story about the 100th birthday of the teabag. Thanks, Lynn!
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Show and Tell (C365/361)
Next up: some shots of a few special items I've been working on recently...
I got a fun custom order this month to make an embroidered teabag - the reverse is embroidered with details of the occasion & the reverse of the tag (rather obviously) says "tea". A simple but very sweet idea for a gift I think!
... and a couple of snowy owl brooches:
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
New Stuff, Old Stuff
Sunday's craftiness largely involved custom items (photos another time) but at the end of the evening I made a quick prototype of a new design for my shop: a treestump pincushion! I sewed a mini one just to see what it would look like (sometimes these things just don't look how they do in your head) and stuffed it with the teeny scraps left over from the day's sewing:
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Getting the Giggles
It was great to finish the crowns especially. Everyone I've mentioned them to has said "oh, you mean for little girls?" and the elastic at the back can be easily adjusted with a bit of easy sewing to fit small heads but really I meant them for not-quite-grown-ups like me: such fun for costume parties and birthday laughs. I couldn't even keep a straight face while trying to take pictures of them this morning...
...trying hard not to laugh...
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Odds and Ends (C365/357)
We've also been busy attending to the work-in-progress that is our flat. We've been buying a few little bits like nice light pulls and picture frames, and getting on with some long-overdue DIY tasks like tiling behind the cooker and putting up shelves. These picture shelves have been sitting around since May waiting to be put up - it's great seeing them finally up on the wall and filled (as planned) with nice books:
Friday, 12 September 2008
Bits and Pieces (C365/356)
When I wasn't sewing I was tweaking a few things in my various shops , changing some photos, rewriting a few descriptions, adding new tags and keywords, generally having a bit of an autumn tidy up. I've also started making lists of stock to add to my shops over the next few weeks, and have been taking lots of photos of new things coming soon to my Etsy shop. It's a bit embarassing how long some of this stuff has been lying about waiting to be properly photographed and listed, but better late than never right?
Psst, I'm creeping towards another nice round number over on Etsy. Whoever buys my 1,100th item will get lots of free goodies in their parcel! :)
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Special Requests (C365/355)
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Teacup Factory
Yesterday I worked my way through sewing lots of teacup brooches, step by step until they were (almost) finished:I like lining them up in rows as I go along...
UPDATE: sew your own little felt teacup brooches - printable PDF pattern now available from my shop, or in my Patreon pattern library.
Subscribe to get instant access to a growing library of PDF embroidery patterns and craft tutorials, and updates when I add something new!
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
In My Absence...
When I had to break off from my daily blogging last weekend I kept myself entertained whilst ill by doing nice relaxing crafty things like cutting and sticking (making thankyou notes to send out with my orders) and doing a bit of knitting...