Saturday 25 March 2023

Join My Pattern Club For All This Crafty Goodness (& More!)

I am absolutely loving having a Patreon and sharing easy-to-print PDF embroidery patterns and felt craft tutorials with my subscribers, but I find it a little frustrating how all the images are blurred out for non-subscribers so you can't easily browse and preview what you're signing up for. 

Sooo... I decided to make a page here on my blog with snazzy little collages of lots of the projects I've added to the pattern library so far. That way I can link people to the page to show them what they'll get when they sign up, and I can easily keep the page updated by making a new collage every time I've added a whole bunch more projects.

Well, that's the plan anyway! :)

In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to pop all the collages in a blog post here on my main feed as well because GOSH IT IS NICE seeing all these projects together!

If you're interested in joining my Patreon, it's just £3 (+VAT) (or your local sales taxes if you're outside Europe) per month and you'll be supporting my creative work while getting access to all this crafty goodness and an email in your inbox whenever I add something new.


Click here to visit my Patreon and sign up! xx