Saturday 13 September 2008

Odds and Ends (C365/357)

I'm still working my way though my work-in-progress box, digging out lots of things that need finishing...
Last night I finished the batch of pirate eyepatches and my first Christmas ornament of the year (a design from 2007), and finally sewed brooch backs onto a small viola pin and some layered flower corsages (based on peonies and camelias) which I made just ages ago!

We've also been busy attending to the work-in-progress that is our flat. We've been buying a few little bits like nice light pulls and picture frames, and getting on with some long-overdue DIY tasks like tiling behind the cooker and putting up shelves. These picture shelves have been sitting around since May waiting to be put up - it's great seeing them finally up on the wall and filled (as planned) with nice books:The lovely (and rather appropriate) Penguins print is by The Lapwing Printworks, a definite birthday hit with my book-obsessed boyfriend!


Sarah and Jon said...

We love your Penguin bookshelves! They look great!

nicedaydesigns said...

Lovely display for your books,it's a really nice idea just to have a few books faced out.Looks spiffing.