Monday 14 January 2008

365 / 148 - circles and leaves

Yesterday was a day for cutting things out whilst drinking tea and chit-chat-chattering away to some friends. More oak leaves in preparation for lots and lots of brooch-making, and some pastel felt circles to make three extra strands for this mobile:
I also did a frankly astonishing amount of housework and generally felt pretty organised... until the evening when I remembered all the things I was supposed to have done over the weekend & totally forgot about! Oh well.

Today, lovely Etsy post from paperbluebird - more of the zinnia cards I like so much (I've even framed one for my wall) - check out her great presentation:
Nice ribbon, sweet free gift, cute tag with handwritten note and cute moo business card. Lovely.

Oh, and it seems that this "Faux Bois" themed treasury (featuring my tree stump) was on the Etsy front page this morning. A very nice thing to discover on a Monday morning!