Happy New Year! No wild parties for me last night, just a quiet and cosy night in doing some sewing...

I was so pleased with the woodland creatures I made on day 134 that I started cutting out pieces to make a few more, and I worked on 3 new designs as well: an antlered deer, a little fawn and a feather. I'm very pleased with the deer but the lighter, cuter fawn ought to have all-white detailing I think.

I am so pleased that it's January. After crazy pre-Christmas shipping, being ill, and eating far too much chocolate over the holiday I feel absolutely ready to start new things, tackle new projects and stick to new year's resolutions.
My crafty resolutions for this year are
1) To be more serious and business-like in my approach to my work, to run my business better and to promote it more actively.
2) To make lots of things in batches (higher stock levels means much less stress for me) but
not at the expense of trying out lots and lots and lots of new designs.
3) To stick with my 365 project, missing out as few days as possible!
2008 is also the year of getting our flat sorted out - we have so many unpacked boxes, unhung pictures, curtainless windows, unfinished DIY projects etc, this is the year for tackling them. My pre-Christmas "give something away every day" project has finished but I'll be keeping it in mind and doing lots of spring cleaning. One of the first household tasks "to do" is attending to my potplants, giving them some love and attention and potting up some cuttings I've been rooting on my kitchen windowsill in teeny little herb jars:

It seems that 2008 will be a year filled with Etsy shopping, too. It's only 12 hours into the new year and I've already been on an Etsy shopping spree! I tried so hard to treat myself to something on the high street with my Christmas money (bargainous post-Christmas sales and all) but there was just nothing nice to be had so Etsy-shopping it had to be. Details about my shopping another time, but for now here's a picture of the lovely Etsy post that arrived yesterday, from

The lupin cards are to be sent out in special parcels (like the celebratory free-gift-packed parcel I sent out to the buyer of my 500th item) and the dahlia is a lovely freebie. I really like how it's a thankyou from the seller
and a free gift. Such nice cards, from a lovely friendly seller. Also the coloured envelopes are just yum (I'm a sucker for a fancy envelope).
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