I managed to forget to write a blog post yesterday - oops! So there's two days worth of sewing antics to catch up on... Saturday I was determined to finish the oak leaves begun on day 148, and did finally finish them all (hurrah!). Here they all are on Sunday morning in my hi-tech photo lab, otherwise known as my kitchen windowsill:

Then yesterday (Sunday) I made a batch of violet brooches and sewed together a small group of badgers (a "cete" of badgers if you like). Here are the badgers, frolicking happily amongst the violets:

I continue to be obsessed with spring flowers, planting lots out in my little garden and sketching plenty of new felt designs. After all this batch making I am itching to make Exciting New Things again so, fingers crossed, there should be some new pretties coming very soon.
In felt-related news... I met a real life "fan" of my work at the weekend -one of the girls at work had found my shop via
I Like and recognised one of my pins, which was rather a nice feeling! Also, my work got a lovely mention in a post called "handmade heaven" on
Design Sprout and Etsy's Storque chose that week
to review Design Sprout as a recommended blog so I got a mention
there as well and my oak leaf pin popped up on the front page for a little while:

I've also been playing around with the
poster sketch tool on Etsy to create images of my brooch "collections" (click on the images to view them larger), I rather like seeing them all together like this. Woodland brooches:

Teatime brooches:

Floral Brooches:

Also: in my tea-obsessed post the other day I neglected to mention that you can buy a Keep Calm mug
here (the boyfriend has already demanded that I buy him one).
And: one of my current Etsy faves
Kate Wilson has been shortlisted for the
Alternative Turner Prize (works by young artists inspired by this year's nominees) please do go vote for her!
Oh, the badgers! So cute!
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