Tuesday 15 January 2008

365 / 149 - Fame, Fortune and Felt

Well, two out of three anyway. After my tree stump being on the Etsy front page in the morning, my acorn showed up in the afternoon (thanks to Siansburys for the screenshot!)
... and then late in the night my Crafting 365 article was published. Hurrah!

Fortune as (as yet) escaped me but yesterday afternoon I got to go on a felt-buying spree in Hobbycraft (thanks to my very patient boyfriend) and on the interweb. I appliqued lots of green oak leaves, too, but it's the newly-aquired felt stash that gets to star in my 365 photo:
So much delicious colour...

Oh, and I got great Etsy post today - a print for my kitchen from Bombus, parcelled (characteristically) in a map:
She sent me a gorgeous vintage postcard of lupins, too! So lovely:


bee said...

Just wanted to say I read your article on etsy ...well done. It was very inspiring and I'm tempted to have a go...slightly scared though..but maybe thats a good thing :)

bonnie said...

your article was great.
i enjoyed it.

Clang Clang said...

Just read it - gonna do it X