Tuesday 17 April 2012

Giveaway: Super-Cute Felt

I hope you guys have enjoyed my slightly extended "book week"!

To finish off this book-themed fortnight, I thought it would be nice to do a giveaway for my own book, Super-Cute Felt which was published last autumn. 

The book contains 35 cute felt projects, all designed by me.

I may be a teeny bit biased (haha!) but I love this book! :)

It includes small projects (like pansy hair clips) and large projects (like a toadstool hot water bottle cover) in four sections: accessories, gifts, homewares and celebrations. Each project has illustrated, step-by-step instructions, there's also a short guide to materials, equipment and techniques at the start of the book, and most of the templates are full size (hurrah!).

Here are a few of my favourite projects...

A lion coffee cosy:

A hedgehog phone case:

A snowglobe doorhanger:

And cat, mice and cheese puppets:

I'm giving away one signed copy of Super-Cute Felt, and (because I love you guys) I'm happy to post it internationally so anyone can enter.

For your chance to win, just leave a comment on this post before 10pm on Tuesday 24th April. I'll pick a winner at random on Wednesday 25th April.

Please make sure you leave a name or pseudonym (no anonymous comments please!) and leave a blog link, Twitter username, Etsy username or email address so I can contact you. If I'm unable to contact the winner within two weeks, I will pick someone else.

Update: this giveaway is now closed.


Tatkis said...

Your book is just wonderful!
I love the lion, and mice are soooo cute :))
Thank you for the chance to win!

Best wishes,
Tatyana (tatkisch1 at gmail dot com)

Analog Girl said...

I'll try my luck out! My profile leads to my blog.
Love this blog.
Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I would love to take part in your giveaway for such a lovely book. susan.vaughan4@hotmail.co.uk Sue x

♥ Nia said...

Your book is so adorable =) I need to try my luck!! Please, count me in :D
And thank you for giving us this chance!! :)
Have a great day!!!

Helena killeen said...

hello, i would love this super cute book! im as @bakedtwice on twitter!

kjsutcliffe said...

I would love to win your lovely book, you have every right to be proud of it :) fingers crossed (difficult when typing)

Lencsilány said...

Wow, you are so generous, and i want to try my luck internacionaly! Thank you for the chance!:)

AliceKiss said...

I like your book!!!I would love to win your lovely book!!!Thank you for the chance to win!
Have a great day!!!

ei! kumpel said...

Oh I need to try my luck, I would love to have a copy of your book Laura!


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura! I'd love to win your book.
thank you!

Gabrielle Hellwig said...

What a cute book! I would love to win a copy! :)

Etsy username: chellysshoppe.etsy.com

onegirlandtheworld said...

Ooooooh it looks lovely!
http://onegirlandtheworld.blogspot.co.uk/ or @niamhy101 on twitter

Laura said...

Great giveaway! Thanks so much!

Marta said...

OOOOHHHHHH I need your book!!!!!! My email is mpserrat@gmail.com.

Ners said...

Would be wonderful get this one, i like All your proyects! My email is jorgeneel@msn.com and twitter @nereaenzo Thanks!!

Elisa said...

I love this book and your projects!!!


Dafi✿ said...

What a lovely giveaway! I love felt art:) Thanks for the chance! Hugs & smiles

Jessica said...

I would love to get a copy of your book - it's been on my wishlist for ages! Thanks for hosting such a great week of reviews & giveaways - I've really enjoyed reading all your posts :-)

Clare said...

I would love a copy of your book, I think it looks just lovely, so please count me in for a chance to win.


Jumbleberries xx

Karen said...

It would be wonderful to win your beautiful book. Thanks you so much for the chance.

kasikk_29 said...

Your book is beautiful! It will be pleasure to read it and try to do something cute.
Thank you so much and best wishes!
Kasia :)
(kasikk_29 (at) gazeta.pl)

Tanya said...

The hedgehog phone case is adorable. Thanks for the chance!

jjnkknmkkl said...

Oh i would love a copy of your book - it's in my amazon wish list at the moment waiting for payday!

Invizigota said...

Mmmm, lovely book! I'll try my luck too .) Thanks so much!

Rosana Garcia Hess said...

I would love to win your lovely book!!! thanks for the chance

Pagatek said...

Hello!! I'd love a chance to win your book :)

Ale said...

Hello! I would love to have a copy of your book. The projects are so cute.
Tks a lot.
Ale Dias (From Brasil)

Irina said...

I love your projects! thanks for the chance to win your lovely book

Deborah said...

Wow, your book looks fantastic, I would love to win a copy :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Gill said...

I love the hedgehog!
Thanks for a lovely giveaway Laura!

Dasha said...

oh my, i recently felt in love with felt :) I would like to win the book, lets see if am lucky. :)

Heidi (Egholmvej 16) said...

I would love to win that book.
My mail is heidi.clausen.ehv16@gmail.com

Have a great day :)

Jacqui said...

I love your hedgehog. How clever of you to have published your own book. What an achievement!

Saraccino said...

Oh, I would love to get your book! :)

greeneggs said...

What a beautiful looking book, I'd love to win


Filipe said...

I will try my luck! I love your work!

Pamela V said...

I would love to win your book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Giovi's Creations said...

Your book is so cute! And It would be an honor win this prize :)


Nowalinka said...

Fantastic projects You made :)

mizee said...

So cute. I hope I win!

sewphie said...

The the thimble and spool are soooo cute! Great give away, i'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

Craftynette said...

I'd love a chance to win this book! I've drooled so much on my keyboard while surfing through your blog..

Anonymous said...

It's my birthday, so I have to win! the book looks so fun.Thanks for the opportunity.

Vixanne said...

I really have a thing for felt - I'd love a chance to win a copy of your brilliant book :)

Silvina said...

Thank you for this giveaway. Your book is fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win your book, it´s so cute :)
Thank you!


Debbie said...

Those mice are SO cute, and the kitty too. I would love to have this book.


Arwen G said...

I'm starting to get obsessed with felt! Thanks for all the great tutorials (I made the owls for a friend's new baby recently)

Manuela Pinkfrilly said...

wow I really hope to win this book, I really love felt and the hedgehog is wonderful!!!!!!

Manu said...

your book looks the best among all you've reviewed! the lion is supadupacute!

Panda8ngel said...

Your book looks so cute! My friend just recently got me into felt and I would love to make some of your cute felties! :)

Unknown said...

I'd love to win - I've got it on my wishlist on Amazon, hoping someone will buy it for me! :) x

skimmia said...

Your book is so adorable:-)
I'll try my luck!!
my mail: kwiatynatury@op.pl

maria jose said...

Your book is wonderful.I don't have blog.
Kisses from Spain.Mª José

Marina said...

I´m just beginning to use fabrics and felt...and I love it! Unfortunately in Argentina this themes are rather new, so no books are available (thank god for internet!!).
It would be great to win your book, thank you for the opportunity!!

marikarak "at" yahoo.com

Bree said...

Would love a chance to win this super cool book!

jitterbug1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Nannie Sheila said...

I would love to win this book ..... failing that I will buy one !

Elizabeth said...

Such cute projects! I would love to win your book. :)

Fiona said...

A lovely book with cute ideas.... have enjoyed this series (even if it has increased my wish list!!)

Ellieboo said...

Your felt creations are gorgeous - would love to win this book ...Amanda

Melissa Graham said...

Would love to win this wonderful book. I have tons of felt and need a use for it.
melsdaisypatch at gamil dot com

Sandy~Folkwood said...

Hi Laura, I'd love to win this for my step granddaughter to encourage her creativity. Thanks for the opportunity, Sandy.

Miss U said...

huwaa..... so adore ur work with felt XD
hope I can have the copy of ur book :D

and that cute hedgehog phone case... <3 it

my email: mail2uchi@yahoo.co.id ;)

success for ur book and giveaway... \^o^/

Reiko said...

I would really love to win this book!!

E-mail: r_yuminaga@mail.goo.ne.jp
My blog: http://knittiesandkitties.blogspot.com/

K2 said...

I would love to win this for my 10 year old son. He has been learning to sew by hand stitching felt christmas ornaments from patterns that my Mom got in the 1960's.

Ginger said...

Oh...what a wonderful book. I hope I'm the lucky one to win it. I have been following your blog now for almost two years. I love it. Keep up the beautiful work and thanks for sharing.

cutiepatudee said...

I'm new to your blog but i love it you seem to know exactly whats of interest to us crafters,i knit most of the time but i would love to try the cute little things from your book.

thanks for giving me a chance at a book i love all books(cutiepatudee.etsy.com)

homemade@myplace said...

...I have it!!!! It's really a lovely book!!!
xxxx Alessandra

Mónica said...

Hola tienen un libro hermoso, el blog es mas que bellisimo, cuanta creatividad de ensueño. Gracias por la oportunidad que el sorteo sea internacional, un abrazo desde Peru.
email: lazulimoon22@gmail.com

Stephanie said...

I'd love a chance to win a signed copy! So many cute projects to try!

Pam said...

I would love to win your book! The first thing I would make is that hedgehog phone cover. So sweet.

Michelle said...

Me, pick me :))))

CarlaK.be said...

yes yes, i'm in ! I already won some lovely blue yarn, maybe i'll get lucky a second time??? I sure do hope so!

Studio Paars said...

Oooooh I would love to win your book! I have secretly wanted it ever since it came out (only I'm not allowing myself to but more craft supplies right now). Thanks for an chance to win!

Calla said...

How exciting! That coffee cozy looks like it would be my first project, nothing as bad as uncozy coffee (or tea, in my case) I've only just started with felt and am really enjoying myself! You are on to a winner with this craft :)


Ofelia said...

Your book seems wonderful!! I would like to win ;)
Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win this book - looks amazing :)


Thank you xoxo

chrissie said...

That book looks fantastic and I can already see me ordering felt to start making Xmas presses ( in April!!)
Thanks for the chance of entering.

ideaartdesigns said...

Hi! Your book is very beautiful! I like this very much!!!! :) Eva My email adress: ideaartdesigns@gmail.com

Оля Басенкова said...

OOOOOO! I adore felt and your felt-products! you are a big good girl, I will be glad to win such interesting prize!Thanks for the chance! small07@meta.ua

Made in Suisse said...

The competition is tough but I'll give it a try...pick me me me me me me me me me me me me me!

Awok's Kiter Craft (Awin) said...

OMG, what a great gift u have for me. Thanx for this opportunity to win it. If i'm lucky enuf to have it u can contact me at

syaaz84@gmail.com or


Karen said...

Love your blog, Thankd for the giveaway

Little Nell said...

I’ll throw my name in the hat too, as this looks like a lovely book, with lots of crafty ideas and projects.

Sonia said...

Oh yeh! I have been following your posts on each book and have loved every one! Eye candy to boot! Count me in for a chance to win. My little sewing fingers are crossed! xoxo

Unknown said...

Love your blog & your products on Etsy! My boy would love that lion cup cosy, he's carried around a lion blanket since he was a baby (he is now 5!). Keep up the great creations!

Kati said...

I like your book! Thank you for this giveaway
My blog:http://makacskakonyhaja.blogspot.com/

Moois van mie said...

I would love to win this one!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh fingers crossed! I would be honored to have your book!
volfima [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

Thanks for this great giveaway, the projects all look absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to try one out!

Farci said...

Köszönöm a lehetőséget! :)
www. farcialkot.blogspot.com

Sofia said...

Very nice book! With many wonderful ideas!

Beatriz García said...

Guau! Laura, thank you very much for this giveaway. I have your book in my amazon wish list for months hopping my boyfriend gets the message :-)

nashmetro said...

Hello Laura ‘Lupin’ Howard
I just felt I had to say
Your book looks simply wonderful
And you’ve a copy to give-away! – yippee!

I told this to the Bullfinch
Ran it past the cats & mice with cheese
And said, “what’dya think my chances are
Of winning one of these”?
So I sat down with my lion coffee cosy
Put my Kitty Purse on the chair
And cuddled my Angel Teddy
As I said my little prayer
Forget me not heart this I say
And onto My little house doorstop land
A copy of this lovely book
For me to keep at hand

I’ll be waiting now with baited breath
Hiding under the sea notebook cover
Too nervous to take a peek
At what I would love to discover
I’ll then be able to hang out with pride
The Birthday bunting! Wont I

Kaja said...

I'd love to have your book, it looks super cute!


Anne said...

I'm a french girl living in Madrid, Spain!
As you're shipping this giveaway internationally (youpiiii as french people say ;D), i'll cross my fingers and try my luck!

Thank you for your blog and your crafting ideas: I find it all refreshing! And I'm sure if I win your book that i'll enjoy it soooo much!

Anne from Madrid!

Anonymous said...

I love this book...I have it on my wishlist on one of the online book stores I shop at. Please enter me in the draw.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win your lovely book!!

hakrisz said...

I like your book! I like the felt! :) Thank you for the chance to win! szilask@gmail.com

davybidosa said...

A terrific chance! Please, do count me in and - thank you so much for your blog!

Tanechka said...

I love all your projects! book should be very interesting. I hope for good luck!

haftyśka said...

oh, I love it! I'll try my luck too :)

Rūta said...

Lovely giveaway! Thank You!

Ed @ Cross-Country Beauty said...

I love the snow globe! It'll be perfect for the holidays!

Alix Chan said...

You're blogs, website, FB, Twitter etc are an inspiration for a fellow felt lover! And i hope to be as successful as you one day! I would love to have your book on my shelf! :)

ashley said...

i love your site and would love to read your book!
aeopi2001 at yahoo dot com

ana said...

i just found out your blog and i'm totally in love :)

( http://agirlwithcamera.blogspot.com )

Crochet Addict UK said...

Wow love the book, thanks ever so much for the giveaway.
SusanD1408 (susand1408@googlemaildotcom)

Kaliandra said...

Your book looks awesome!!!! Thanx for this giveaway!!!! I've been scrolling through your blog, and I love it. Thank you again.


Choo Choo Family said...

Count me in please!!! v(^-^)v

Unknown said...

Glad I haven't missed this one, but if I don't win think will be grabbing it off amazon for my mum's massive project book collection it will fit right in!

Mea said...

A beautiful book, I'd love to have :)

yorkshiremix at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Me, me, me, please pick me!!!!!!!!!!! I so want this book!

emmadevon said...

Just found an advert for the website in making magazine and so chuffed i checked it out, your projects and ideas are brilliant and i now feel inspired for a friday night stitch fest!

Dawn Womble ♥ said...

Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!!

Doorbell said...

o my gosh! ooo... Love your projects. Love your photography :)

moriarty_eleanor at yahoo.com
Etsy: swellanore

my sisters and me said...

mine, mine, mine, mine . . . . .
(aka birds in finding nemo!)

lovely book!!

Girl_Industries said...

Ahhh! The cat, mice and cheese project is a must-do for my niece's 4th birthday next month. Squeeee!

Katy at girlindustries dot com

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Looks like a cute book! Thanks for the giveaway!

Michelle said...

hello! love a chance to win this!


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Not sure ifu r aware, but u also have fans overseas....
Holland is fond of the colourfull,cute projects u created in your book!
please count me in as I can hardly wait 2get started...
Dutch Greetz,
Yaudi Diepenhorst, (mum of 2 and 1 pee on the way,
Usually 2 Bush crafting 2 feed hubbie)
Email- laudi20@hotmail.com

Nannie Sheila said...

Oh I would love to have a chance to win this lovely book ..... thank you

Nouli said...

I would be very happy to enter your giveaway and get your wonderful book!
Greetings from Greece

Katie said...

Would love the chance to win :-) The projects look awesome!

katie @ mummy-adventures . com

Unknown said...

love the hedgehog phone case....love your work...thanks for the chance..

my blog:

inga said...

Super gift, I hope for the best.

Sandra said...

Hello Lupin

I'd love to have your book, seems like a lot of inspiration.


Marina Cuello said...

I´d love to win your book!! (it would be my first book about felt!!)
thanks a lot!


Nosnin said...

Such CUTE designs! I do believe that I would make ALL of them.



Trisha Thompson said...

I just put this book in my cart to buy on Amazon! It looks awesome. I would love to win it. :)

t-boo said...

It's on my wishlist. Would love to win a signed copy.

Laura McGregor said...

So beautiful! I love your designs, I wish I had such creativity. I was hoping to get your book for my birthday last year, my Sister-in-Law said she'd get it for me and hasn't so thought I would chance my luck here.

Thank you for the opportunity o win a copy.

Laura McGregor