Tuesday 10 April 2012

Birds, PDFs and a Sky Blanket Update

Being self-employed, Bank Holidays don't automatically mean "no work" for me but because my local Post Office was closed for a few days over the Easter weekend I couldn't post any parcels so I got a chance to work on some other projects instead.

I tackled lots of "almost finished" projects in my WIP box and got them actually finished, including a whole bunch of robin and greenfinch brooches. It's always so lovely seeing a whole bunch of finished birdies all lined up together:

In between sewing, I made a start on something that's been on my To Do list for a while - putting together PDF versions of some of my most popular tutorials. All the free tutorials I share here on my blog are for non-commercial use only, but I know some of you guys would like to be able to sell what you make with them at craft fairs or in your Etsy shops, etc... so I've decided to sell PDFs which will allow you to do that.

The new PDFs will be a few £s each, and when you buy one you'll then be able to sell the things you make from it (as long as you credit me for the design in your shop listing or on your packaging) and to use the templates to teach sewing classes.

I'll announce it here on the blog when they're available, but in the meantime I'd love to know if there are any particular tutorials that you'd be interested in seeing in PDF form! You can leave a comment on this post or get in touch via my website.

I also got to spend some time working on my sky blanket. I was so busy in March that I got a bit behind with my blanket-square-a-day project, but I made sure that I was still looking at the sky every day and taking note of the colours. I had a big catch-up knitting and sewing session over the past few days and now I'm totally up to date with my knitted squares and I've sewn the blanket together up to the end of March - a quarter finished already!

It's still quite tricky photographing a long narrow strip of blanket, but I took a quick snap so you can see how it's progressing.

I am continuing to love how the blues and greys look together, and the pretty patchwork effect that's developing. It's also quite surprising how many blue skies we've had so far this year. Who knew the skies in England were so blue??

UPDATE: My robin and greenfinch designs are now available as sewing patterns! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns


Sandra said...

Love love love love LOVE those bird brooches!

Jacqui said...

Oh don't they look so sweet together. I think we need to find an apt caption for this picture!

diane said...

The birds are wonderful!

lilycobweb said...

Would buy the PDFs in a heartbeat. Can you recommend a simple one I could use with a group of 11-15 year olds at an Arts workshop (about 2 hours long) this coming summer?

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks guys! x

lilycobweb - I don't really work with kids so I'm not sure exactly what to recommend for that age group. If you spot something in my tutorials archive that you think you'd like to use though please do get in touch :)

Carmen said...

Seus pássaros são muito lindos!!!