Saturday 7 April 2012

Giveaway: Sewing Made Simple

As promised, the publishers of Sewing Made Simple (which I reviewed yesterday and loved) are giving away a copy to one lucky reader.

Please note that this giveaway is open to UK residents only. Apologies if that doesn't include you - don't worry, there'll be a couple of giveaways next week which everyone can enter :)

Want to enter? Just leave a comment on this blog post for your chance to win. Leave your comment before 10pm on Saturday 14th April, and I'll pick a winner at random on Sunday 15th April. 

Please make sure you leave a name or pseudonym (no anonymous comments please!) and leave a blog link, Twitter username, Etsy username or email address so I can contact you. If I'm unable to contact the winner within two weeks or the person I pick turns out not to be from the UK then I will pick someone else.

UPDATE: this giveaway is now closed.


Scented Sweetpeas said...

I am new to sewing so this would be a fab book for my craft library :-) Please pop me in your hat x

Kate williams said...

I have been making crafty felt items for a few months and selling them on my little brand website ( I decided yesterday to go to a craft fayre in the summer with a small stand, this book will hopefully provide some new inspiration to make some designs to take to the fayre and sell :)


Kate x

jen said...

This book looks lovely - I LOVE pretty craft books!

Eskimimi Makes said...

I have quite a number of knitting books and a couple of polymer clay books but none on sewing. I'd love to be in with a chance to win because though I do see, I'm entirely self-taught in the 'I guess this is how you might use a zip' kind of style. I'm off to get some fabric to make some new curtains for my flat this week. Eek!

Make Strangers said...

I'm in my 30s. I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO SEW A BUTTON! This book looks fab. X


Michelle said...

The book looks fab. Would love the chance to win x

Fleur Cotton said...

Would love a chance to win this book!

Fingers crossed!

Fleur xx

Unknown said...

I would love to win!! :D

Jessica said...

I would love to win this one, the book looks fab from your review!

kelly said...

this looks such a lovely book

sarah said...

This looks a lovely book, would love to win this :)

Sarah x
guernseygirlgetscrafty dot blogspot dot com

Sue said...

Wow, gorgeous book, thank you for the chance to win, Happy Crafting, Sue xx

Sarah Goode said...

Looks great!

pookledo on etsy :)

Charlotte @ Life of a Domestic Witch said...

The book looks and sounds wonderful! Would love to win a copy, it would certainly be treasured!

Yvette Friendship said...

Why have I only just come across your blow? Very interested I am :) This book looks great for a beginner like me. Would love to be entered for the competition.

Claire Davenport said...

Yup, I've checked, there's definitely space on my shelves for this :)

Claire (@The_Hookery)

Anonymous said...

This book looks fab! Me and my sister have recently set up a blog ( and currently have been teaching ourselves to sew and crochet...we could definitely use this book :) loving your blog as always xx

Fiona M said...

I've just recently started sewing and am enjoying all the ideas from your blog. Your book reviews are very helpful. Thank you.

Rebecca said...

oooh, yes please! Maybe I'll be able to use my antique Singer after all....

Clare said...

Thanks for the review yesterday, the book sounds lovely, so please count me in for a chance to win.

Have fun.

Jumbleberries xx

Twiggy said...

Oooo please can I join in? The book looks great and might help me overcome my fear of my sewing machine.

Polly Polkadot said...

It would be great to pass on to my students next term on their Sewing machines for beginners class.

Unknown said...

I would love to have a chance to win this book. x Sue x

CriCri said...

wow! I love sewing.. and I love this wonderful book! I 'm write from Italy.. Happy Easter CriCri

MamaMunky said...

I am just a newbie, so I would love this book! Thanks for the giveaway.

LindseyAylward at

Amy~Francesca said...

This book looks fantastic, I am starting to learn to sew and this book looks like it would be really helpful. Would love to be included in your giveaway :)


Maria - A Playful Stitch said...

I'd love a chance to win, many thanks!
Maria x

Leigh said...

Looks useful and pretty... Perfect!

Thanks! Leigh x

kgaa8183 (at)

Unknown said...

Always looking for new inspiration :)

Sarah Lou said...

I've seen a couple of reviews and they all seem to agree that this book is fab - Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Unknown said...

This looks like a fab book - would love to add it to my library!!

ExpatCentral said...

This book looks lovely - I'd love to start off a collection with this!

Lynn M said...

great giveaway. THanks for the chance

Gill said...

This looks a great book Laura!

Julie R said...

That looks like a lovely book, I have a very old Singer sewing manual which I have been relying on for 20+ years, it would be nice to have something more modern to refer to!

Thanks :-)

Tase said...

Looks like an interesting little book; even experienced sewers can pick up tips!

Jacqui said...

Lovely little book.

beautiful square feet said...

I'd really love to get my hands on that book please! Thanks!

Rox said...

This would be my first craft book so please put me in the running.....aarrgghh I mentioned running on a sunday, quick a hot cross bun!


lindsay harmony said...

Looks like a lovely book! <3

Porcupine Design said...

What a great book! Would love the chance to win it.Jx

Natasha Newton said...

I can only sew at a VERY basic level and it's something I've been meaning to learn how to do for a long time, so this book looks like it could be just what I need!

Hoping... :)


Erica said...

My lovely husband has bought me a sewing machine......but I don´t know how to sew!!!!. I need help.

Erica X

Karina said...

I'm happy that you've started reviewing books. As a beginner I really appreciate your comments and hope you keep doing it.

Karina x

chrissie said...

I have just realised that although I love sewing I have no sewing books to help mej on my way! Please enter me into your giveaway. Many thanks.

::cupcakesandbiscuits:: said...

Please count me in! Looks great!
Ali x

Vixanne said...

Count me in please! What a pretty looking book :)

Unknown said...

Please count me in! :) x

VPlum said...

Learning how to sew properly and to make new curtains is one of my new years resolutions and this one looks fab. Your website has inspired me to play with felt too.
Clare xxx

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this, really want to master machine sewing !


affiknity said...

Thanks for the giveaway. It will help me in honing my sewing skills.

affiknity at gmail dot com.

Sewing Siobhan said...

What a wonderful book. Thanks for all the reviews so far, they really are so helpful

Crochet Addict UK said...

I am just learning to sew and would love to win this book!
susand1408 at googlemail dot com

Vic said...

What a great giveaway! Loved the review you gave and its now on my ever growing list of craft books to invest in.

My mother-in-law kindly gave me her old sewing machine recently and I would love to be able to do more than sew in a straight(ish) line.

Please enter me in your giveaway.

Vic (vlpaterson (at) hotmail (dot) com)

NYLON Girl said...

Such a cute books reminds me of Laura Ashley at first!

Unknown said...

This looks like a brilliant book :-)

Helen Lay said...

Lovely book, really enjoying all your reviews.



Mea said...

Lovely book, please enter me from UK yorkshiremix at aol dot com Thank you.

Mea xx

jjnkknmkkl said...

Oooh what a lovely book. Please pick me :)

stapeleylady said...

I would love to win your giveaway....

Janey Millar said...

Loved the Hoiokery's comment that she has room on her shelves for another book. I know full well I have no room on my shelves and yet am on Amazon adding to my wish list at least once or twice a week! I loved decent book reviews too, as it always helps particularly when buying online. A good review that answers my questions always sways me, so thanks and keep up the good work. I can always find room on the skyscraper pile of craft books by my bed for one more if I should win, so don't worry about my shelves!!!
Oh and BTW, trying to make my first thing from your book (pansies!) and my cutting out is awful, what do you do / use to get such fantastic outlines/shapes (apart from a lot of practise LOL!)

SaMtRoNiKa said...

hi there! I wanna enter. I'm Marta from


Anonymous said...

Hi there..... firstly i have to say your creations are Amaaazzinngg... you are on gifted person .... anyway i would like to enter please.... for the give away.... i could do with a book sewing is atrocious

Tahira said...

This Book looks perfect :)


Miss Smilla said...

ooooh - I'd love a chance to win this book, as I'm a recent re-starter at sewing :-)looks like a great book!

twolittleflowers said...

Ooh...I love books, and this is a pretty crafty one too - double bonus. Keri

Polly Washdish said...

Such a pretty book, but practical too, particularly for the next generation of aspiring sewsmiths who didn't get the benefit of grannie's wisdom

Silvia said...

I just bought my first sewing machine and this would be perfect!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Hollyrolly said...

With spring around the corner (hopefully!) I hope this book would inspire me to start sewing again

collette said...

I know your are not supposed to judge a book by its cover but.... its just so pretty! Please choose me! :)

Charlotte said...

I'm dusting off my sewing machine after a 6 year break from having twins (!) and feel the need to start from scratch. My ideas are far exceeding my abilities / memory at the moment :-)


Kay said...

I would love this, thank you for the generous giveaway. All craft books are cherished in my house.