Monday 30 April 2012


This blog, my sewing pile, my inbox and the rest of my "to do" list have all been a bit neglected this week due to some family stuff. I haven't even got around to updating the shipping charges in my shops yet! Oops.

I'm hoping to get back to my usual slightly irregular blogging schedule very soon but apologies in advance if posts are a bit sparse for the next couple of weeks.

I've not done much crafting this week, but I've done a bit of simple knitting and am keeping up to date with my sky blanket. These are today's colours...

... after a week of grey, rainy skies it's very nice to see a bit of bright blue back in the mix.

Oh and great news, Heart-Felt Holidays (which includes 6 projects designed by me) is now in stock on Amazon UK. Hurrah!

Browsing craft books on Amazon this weekend I was also delighted to see that my book, Super-Cute Felt, has been given some lovely reviews on Amazon UK and Amazon USA... and check out this customer image of a needlebook made from one of the patterns in the book! It's always so ace seeing what people have been making from my book.

P.S. if you've bought Super-Cute Felt or any of the books featuring some of my projects - like Heart-Felt Holidays, or Fa La La La Felt - and can spare the time to leave a review on Amazon, it would be much appreciated :)


Jessica said...

It was really lovely to see some blue sky in my corner of the UK too - a really welcome change :-)

Just uploaded a photo of my gingerbread house to the Amazon UK page for Fa la la la felt hope you like it!

Jacqui Wise said...

I'm glad you saw some blue sky today but sorry to hear that maybe things are a bit difficult at the moment. I hope everything sorts itself out for you. Take care.

Tumus said...

That needle book is lovely ^_^ In the meantime stay well and be well. I know how family stuff can become overwhelming so keep the knitting needles clicking and the tea/cat close.

Wendy said...

Those colours are just beautiful. Congratulations on being published, 6 times!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Jessica - thanks for sharing the photo of the gingerbread house you made, it looks great :)

Jacqui - thanks! x

Tumus - thankyou xx

Wendy - cheers! It's always very exciting seeing my designs in print :)