Wednesday 22 February 2012

Giveaway: Felt Bundles

As promised, here's another fun crafty giveaway!

Today's giveaway prize comes from Claire of fab blog Heart Handmade UK, who was having a spring clean of her supplies stash and has kindly donated a big pile of colourful felt for me to share with my fellow felt-obsessed readers because she is lovely :)

Do check out Heart Handmade UK, which is "jam packed with craft inspiration, interior design inspiration, crafty tutorials, giveaways and sew alongs"... and visit Claire's Etsy shop where she sells pretty vintage fabrics and other crafty bits and bobs. 

There are three bundles of felt up for grabs...

... each bundle is slightly different, but contains about 11 wool blend felt squares, 9 synthetic felt sheets (including some eco friendly felt made from plastic bottles), and a large piece of brown synthetic felt. Lots of felt, with lots and lots of possibilities! 

Three lucky winners will each win one of the bundles. 

Just leave a comment on this blog post for your chance to win! I'm happy to ship internationally, so anyone can enter. Leave your comment before 10pm on Tuesday 28th February, and I'll pick three winners at random on Wednesday 29th February. 

Please make sure you leave a name or pseudonym (no anonymous comments please!) and leave a blog link, Twitter username, Etsy username or email address so I can contact you. If I'm unable to contact the winner within two weeks, I will pick someone else.

UPDATE: this giveaway is now closed.


Unknown said...

Yes please I would love to win this prize! Lovely colours! Sue x

Nelly said...

Ooh! What a lovely give away this is. Amazing colours of felty goodness. I love Claire's Etsy and am glad you linked to it because now I have a place to go and buy colourful fabrics for my new found love - sewing fun fabrics with felt. Thank you xx

flowerin (Оля) said...

Hi! I will take part in your give away with pleasure.
My blog

Elmas Kalkanlı said...

I want it too..

chrissie said...

What a lovely prize. Please enter me and I'll start thinking of things to make, should I be lucky enough to win. Thanks x

Despinaki said...

I would love to win! Thanks!

Clody said...

Great giveaway!!! Thanks for this opportunity!!!
I hope to win because it would be very useful for me this felt!!!
I'm Claudia, my nickname is Clody and this is my blog:

My e-mail:

Mruna Mistry said...

Those pastels are really lovely...thanks!

Grace said...

Ooooh lovely felt stash! Please put my name in your hat, would be lovely to win this stash and make looks of lovely things with it!

Lucy said...

Ooh fab, I love the colours!

The Knitting Mummy said...

What an ace giveaway...I've been wanting to get into crafting with felt for a few months and keep getting distracted. It would be great to win this bundle and I'm pretty sure I already know what projects I have lined up just in case ;-)

Rosa said...

I would love to take part in this too - could definately use some of the lovely felts:-)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway, please put my name in the hat :) x

Sew,ray,me said...

I'd love to enter please :)

Twitter - @sewrayme

Mehlika Yıldırım said...

I love felt and i do many things too. I'a
I'm sorry for my english. I am from Turkey, i allways follow your blog. and ı hae never won a price befor from blogs. ı hope ı can win this one.

Melissa Graham said...

Oh the fun we could have at my house with all of that felt. Two kids + one mom + felt= lots of fun!!

The undomesticated scientist said...

ooooo, me me me (jumps up and down waving arms in air!)

Manuela Pinkfrilly said...

Thank youuuuuu for this great chance to win!!!

I really hope...

have a good day

Suzie said...

Gorgeous felt colours <3 I'd love to win!

Garden Shed Silver said...

Would love to win this.
My email is

creadientje said...

Oh, I really would love to win som more felt... and woolfelt I've never worked with yet..

Fiona said...

How lovely of Claire to clear her stash by sharing with us..... I have never heard of felt being made with recycled plastic... amazing...

Andie* said...

Ok, i do want to win these lovely felt bundles!!!!!!!

thankkkkkkkkkkks xx

Hazel said...

The colours of that felt look great - I would love to win some and have a go at some new projects!
Thanks, Hazel :)
my blog:

ExpatCentral said...

Such lovely colors!

Etsy - DaniM
Twitter - Mrs_Numbles

This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna said...

What a great giveaway, count me in please :)

C said...

What lovely colors!

Nessy said...

Thanks for this giveaway. Lovely colours!!!

Pagatek said...

Great giveaway! I would love to win! Thank you :)


cottonreel said...

Please add me to your list

Unknown said...

Oooh yes please, I'd love some more felt! Thanks for the great giveaway :)

Gabrielle Hellwig said...

Beautiful felt! I'd be delighted to win one of these felt bundles!

Etsy username: TinyTiptoesBoutique

jennyflowerblue said...

F-e-l-t- it s to me what Doughnuts are to Homer Simpson! xxx

Beth said...

What a generous giveaway, really kind of you. Count me in please.

Twitter @missmagpiemakes

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Please pop me in your felted goodness giveaway :-) Pop over to mine as I am having a giveaway too :-)

Ari said...

I love felt!
Thanks for this giveaway!

Drianis said...

I'm surely in!! ^^

Alwayssunnyinmyworld said...

I would love to win this prize! Wow! How I love felt!! :)

Laura Frunza said...

Thank you, I adore felt and these felt bundles look amazing. My email address is idei_pentru_mamici_si_copii [@] yahoo [.] com

Sarah said...

Lovely colour selection, i love working with felt.

Little Nell said...

Lovely. As Eric Morecambe used to say.”I have a long felt want,” so I’m in.

Fifi said...

I hope to win because it would be very useful for me and my sister this felt!!!
Thanks for this opportunity ;)!!!

A-len-ka said...

Great giveaway - as usual! Thank You so much!

jollyqueen said...

hi... fab felts...thanks so much to you and claire. love always.

Nosnin said...

Who doesn't love felt?!? What a great giveaway!

Tanya said...

What a nice giveaway, thanks for sharing!

Belencita said...

Que hermosos colores!!
yo también quiero participar!
mi correo es
un abrazo!!

kjsutcliffe said...

Wow - how lovely, fingers crossed :)
thank you for arranging this giveaway

disco cowgirl said...

Some lovely spring colours there!

Kinga said...

Amazing colours :D

Unknown said...

Ohhh lovely - what a great blog she has too, thanks for the link :-)

Manu said...

ooh how i love pastel colours!

marta said...

I would wind the felt: I have to do much things for easter and I have to buy felt: so if I win, this is better! I give you my e-mail because I have no blog. thank you. marta (

Anonymous said...

Oh, Oh, pick me! :)

Patricia said...

Love the colours and the give away. Won´t miss it. Thank you or as we say in Portugal .... Obrigada. xoxoxo :o)

Hannah said...

Oh gorgeous!! Love the colors!

Sewing Siobhan said...

Absolutely loving the website. Am glad that you posted the link. I am terrible for finding new sites myself. Would love to top it all off with the bonus of having all the lovely felt too! SS x

dropstitch said...

count me in, please - felt can never go amiss!

Pattygloria by Gloria V said...

Great colours and Amzing giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks for the chance.
Gloria x

Rachel Lawrence said...

oh, please, please, please can I win this. I just started making things with felt and those colours are sooo lovely!

Shakibing said...

Having recently started my very own shop for felt dollies, I'd be so glad to get this prize :D lovely colors.
Twitter: @shakibing said...

I'm in ! This is a great give-away, so i'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

melissa said...

Yes Please!

Rustic Jenn said...

I've been a long-time customer at your etsy and dawanda shop. So of course I want to be a part of this. :D

Unknown said...

Wow!!!!! Nice giveaway.

My blog

Luciana said...

Fabulous giveaway! Thanks for this opportunity!!!

Anonymous said...

My felt stash could use some fortifying...This would be awesome! Thanks for the chance! Kristen

3opka said...

WOW! What a great giveaway! I'd really love to win and turn all that felt into something cute! :)

daisydilly (vicki) said...

This would be a great win as I have caught the felt bug lately!! So pretty colors!!

Gill said...

Count me in please Laura!

Unknown said...

Oh wowzy wow...those colours are LOVELY! they bring to mind so much crafty goodness.

Tania Escobar said...

Yes!!!! here is my chance to be a winner ... Jajaja lovely colors :), like you said before thanks to Heart Handmade UK that she was willing to donate this so anyone can be the winner .... Love it :)

Pene said...

In my book you can never have too much felt oh and chocolate of course lol!! Please count me in thanks
Pene x

Cindy said...

thanks for the chance to win!

Marita said...

Please pick me! pick me! :)

thanks! :)

Alison said...

What a fab giveaway!

Sandra said...

Oooh lovely you never can have too much felt. Thank you for such a great giveaway.

Kreatita T said...

What a lovely give-away, who doesn't want to win it... I do :)

StudioZakka said...

Oowww yes please... I would love a bundle of felt to make lots & lots of pretty things for my little girl.

I'll link back to you on my blog StudioZakka.



Nannie Sheila said...

Lovely jubbly ..... I could do a lot of loveliness with all the beautiful colours. Thank you.

Irina said...

I love those colours! I's love to use this felt to make baby booties

EllensCreativePassage said...

Lovely giveaway! Beautiful colors! said...

Umarım bana çıkar.Çok istiyorum.

Lynn M said...

this is great thanks for the chance

XV Mind said...

I'm in! :-) Lovely... This is my blog! Thanks! Bye

Helen Louise Campbell said...

This is a brilliant giveaway.Im new to blogging and crafting so this would come in so handy.
im also holding a competiton to ,all you have to do is think of a name for the florist part of the business.The prize is a lovely lavender and cream arrangement in artificial flowers made by myself.

Petit Designer said...


I loved all these colors.

Thank you

Panda8ngel said... mind is brimming with crafting possibilities!

It's a great idea to giveaway stuff you cleaned from your crafting stash. :)

Vixanne said...

Yes please! I use felt a lot, mostly for applique onto bags, clothes and Christmas stockings, but I also make toys for my Small People from it. Felt is yummy :)

i Bibetti said...

i usually read your blog even i dont't leave comment because i have a little bit of problem in writing in english... i love your works and i take this opportunity to win to let you know that i really enjoy in watching your posts.
i cross my finger
La FEDe =^.^=

Lili said...

hello:) what a great candy:)))
happy to enter, Lili

Leah said...

So much felty goodness! Thanks for the giveaway guys! :)

leahthezombie at gmail dot com

Veronica Phillips said...

Thanksfor the giveaway! -Veronica

Unknown said...

I would love to win, great prize! :) x

Unknown said...

How lovely, I can't resist a bit of felt so would love to win your stash! I am at Thanks.

Anja said...

I'm italian and i love felt..I already have dome projects in my mind where I would use it!!

Moois van mie said...

i'm in ! i'm in !I'm in !

Eliana said...

Wow...I'd love to win!!

Lu said...

Ohhh, this is nice!
I'm in!

Jacquie said...

So many pretty colors! I'd love them all :) -Jacquie

Becca said...

I would love to have some pastel felts, especially with spring on its way! Just found your blog and I LOVE it so much. :D Email is

sudu said...

I would lve to win this felt, thanks for the chance.

Magknit said...

I would like that very much,thanks.

Monique Lopez said...

I would love to win this prize! Would really help me to start a lot of the crafting projecting I've been wanting to tackle

lovelyai said...

I would so love to win! Thanks for this lovely giveaway :)

Twitter: lotusearthlight

MamaMunky said...

I would love to win, so many great colors!!

Nat said...

Hello! Lovely giveaway! Please count me in!

Pookledo said...

Pretties! :)

Sweetfelt said...

Great prize!! Congratulations on your blog! Love it!!

julie said...

What a lovely idea... I'd love to win ;-)

Sarah said...

I'm just starting to play with felt so this would e a fab win :)
I'm off to have a look at the links now!

Swasie said...

What a beautifull colours. I would like to follow you and maybe I win this super giveaway.

Greetz Francoise

ikaxela said...

Oooh! please, please can I enter... I love them all...!

Ale said...

Oh, what a big pleasure to be part of this giveaway. Tks a lot.
Ale Dias (from Brasil)

Crochet Addict UK said...

Oh I love this giveaway! What fantastic and amazing colours!

Annabelle said...

Oh what pretty felt. I should love to receive one of these amazing bundles. I have only recently discovered felt as a crafting fabric and find it such fun to work with.
Best wishes from London.

Aida said...

I'd love to win some of this felt, there are so many things that could be made with it!

happy said...

I would love to win these pretty felt bundle! Thank You :

boGár krea said...

Thank you for this great chance to win!I would love to win!

emgower said...

Love the felt!!!

wildschweinmama said...

feeeeeeeeeeelt! Come to me! :D I LOVE felt so much *_* Great giveaway - thank you!

Etterke said...

I would love to take part in this too.

Tanita said...

Thank you! Gifts are cool!

I quilt 4 fun said...

Lovely, I would love to find something to do with these colors! Thanks.

hanga said...

I would love to have these! :)

Rachael said...

Hello - would love to be included in the prize drawer. Could you also give advice on cutting out small shapes in felt accuratley? Regards Rachael xx

Dawnart said...

Lovely felt bundles! I want to win ;)
Thanks for chance!

xxMarit said...

i really love those color combinations. i would really like to have these lovely felt pieces.


Unknown said...

Nice, would love to have it!

Tatkis said...

Wow, great giveaway! Thank you so much!

Tatyana (

Sallyline said...

Youpi!!!!!!!! Yes I want to try! Your site is fun and inspirant...Continue! Thanks

Sandy said...

What a wonderful range of colors! I would love to add this to my felt stash :)

Kay said...

What a great gift. I would love to turn these into some beautiful pincushions which are my favourite thing to make right now.

Thank you.

Waypi said...

Hi! I'm a beginner in craft world.. I hope I could win in this giveaways :) and help and inspire me to do more craft.. I don't have a blog to post my works but I share the happiness I feel with my crafts to my friends and others here in the Philippines by giving gifts done by me.. I really hope I have the chance to win.. Thank you so much and more power to your blog :) This is Yanna from Philippines :)

Winging It - Vicky said...

mmmmm, felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt felt. I love felt!

Thank you x

Tasha said...

Hi, I've been awake in the night recently thnking of projects i could start...winning this felt would give me a really good start. Thanks

Sewing Miles of Smiles said...

This is awesome! I make so many things for the children's hospital out of felt.

Isabel RT said...

So lovely! I´d like to be added to the hat too :)

Katya said...

the best variant for spring inspiration!
i hope for my luckiness :)

craftymummy said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to win this :)

donna said...

Oh what generous of you.

Dana S said...

I would love a chance to win one of these. Thank you!!!

Erica said...

What beautiful spring colors (and a few not so spring).

I can imagine all kind of fun uses for it.

louise said...

ooh how exciting!

JAPKAT said...

Bugs and Fishes is definitely my favorite blog. I have to admit that I get very happy when I open my reader and you have a new posting. HONEST!

Question for anyone...what is your favorite brand/type of scissor that you use to cut small intricate felt designs?

Rachel @ The Philosophers Wife said...

This would be fun to win!

Anonymous said...

I have just started making some felt items and loving it. I love your ideas.
Thanks, Jan

Unknown said...

Love the colors,so manny possibilities! I would love to win this!
My e-mail is

davybidosa said...

That's a wonderful chance! hope to feel that felt in my hands :) you're wonderful!

cimba said...

Hello, thanks for the give away!

Solveig said...

Oh, lovely felt!

SewCute_ByNicky said...

Ohhhh yes please!!! Could think of many things to make with all that felt :)

Thank you! x

Jennifer Rose said...

great giveaway! :D

Heather M. said...

I just found this and would love this felt. I have ideas for it already!

electronsarefree said...

I've been looking to start making felty crafts after seeing your lovely creations, so this would be the perfect kick in the pants!

Cornwall Calling said...

Oh wow, your felt is lovely, and the ideas of what i could do with it are spinning round my head.
take care
Tracie x

Karen leonard said...

We all love a giveaway...thanks so much for the chance to win ! You work so hard, but it must be sooo great to work for yourself.....

Karen x

Neko-Panda said...

Неllo! i'd love to take part in this giveaway!!!!!

Holly said...

Thanks for the chance to win! hramerh (at) gmail (dot) com

Megan Al-Hassani said...

such pretty colors! this is a cool giveaway. =]


erica said...

This is awesome! i use felt all the time in my crafts and this would be a nice treat :) thanks for doing this giveaway

janicebotterill said...

Hi. Please add me to your giveaway list. am so pleased I found this just in time!

Stephanie said...

I just found your blog - I've been drooling over your book on my wishlist for some time! I'd love a chance at your felt giveaway. I've been feeding my felt addiction with cheap craft store (non-wool) felt.

KT said...

I'd love a big bundle of felt!

Nicsann said...

Oooh I just dropped by for a bit of inspiration and found this - please count me in.


Lauren said...

Stash busters are great! I'm almost out of felt that I use to make felt dragon toys. I would love to get a chance to use a bundle!
Thank you!
I'm Lauren, and my etsy name is pandagoldfish.