Thursday 8 November 2007

Off the wagon again, and a new project

No craftiness whatsoever yesterday. This is the reason:
I should have taken a photo of the whole room to show the devestation wreaked upon my kitchen by this work, but frankly it is a bit embarrassing and I'm slightly concerned it might give me flashbacks should I see this blog post in the future...

Due to some slightly dodgy fixes we were given the magic of heating and hot water yesterday, most miraculous. I now have a burning desire to clean the whole house from top to bottom and never let anything get dirty ever again (how long will this last, I wonder? haha). Obviously I cannot actually clean until all the work is finished (a day or two yet) so I have been satisfying my desire to clean up by tidying the spare room and having a bit of a clear-out, pushing crafting right off the schedule.

I am generally attempting to buy less stuff (Etsy things sooo do not count!) and also to rid myself of a LOT of my possessions, so I love a good clear-out. We have regular "Free Stuff parties" (friends and neighbours all have a clear-out, and everyone swaps stuff with the leftovers going to charity shops) and I have lots of things like clothes stashed under the bed to test if I ever actually wear them...

But it can be hard sometimes to clear out lots of things at once, so I have started a little project where every day leading up to Christmas (your traditional time for buying lots of things) I will find something to give away - either to a friend or to a charity shop. I started at the end of October and I have been really surprised by how easy it has been so far - finding ONE book or ONE item of clothing or ONE bit of jewellery or whatever has so far been painless, and the pile they make all together is quite marvellous. I would highly recommend it!


charlotte narunsky said...

what a great idea to clear out stuff. I'd try it myself, but I'm not sure I can find anything under this mountainous pile of crap!

Swirlyarts said...

I love clearing stuff out - I've got a big black bag of stuff to go to the charity shop in the morning and in the past month or so we have cleared 5 big boxes of books and about 6 bags of other stuff!

Anonymous said...

Great idea!! I think I'm going to try it out too!!