Yesterday was a day for poppies. My little poppy pin was in a beautiful Remembrance Day treasury over on Etsy, and it sold super-quick when the treasury appeared on the front page. Most pleasing (always nice when people like your work enough to pay real money for it) but also slightly disappointing as I was denied my front page happy dance! Ah well. Then in the evening I sat down to make a few more of the poppies and managed to throw a whole box of seed beads all over the sofa! Not good. I got most of them after much scrabbling around, but lord what a mess. Note to self: balancing a small box of tiny beads on your knee is Not A Good Idea.
Then late last night I had to do some packing, preparing a kit-box of my works in progress, the custom patterns I'm working on and my packing supplies so I can keep busy (and keep up with things) while I'm away. There will be a photo of said box crammed with little bags of wips, lots of felt, my accounts books, some jiffy mailers and assorted other oddments once I am able to upload it but for the moment you will just have to paint a picture with your mind :D
UPDATE: here's the picture...
your poppy is just beautiful. I'm sure you'll be on the front page again lickity split!
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