Sunday 17 March 2013

Primrose Brooches in Sewing World

I'm delighted to report that my primrose brooches have been featured in the April issue of Sewing World magazine (out now).

It's always so nice seeing my designs in the press!

I've actually reduced the price of the primrose brooches since the magazine contacted me about featuring them. The single primrose brooches are now just £7.50 each...

 ... and the primrose trio brooches are just £12 each. Hurrah!

UPDATE: My primrose design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns


Stefanie said...

Ho'omaka'i to you on getting featured! I love how you're a felt enthusiast. I have always thought felt was the best medium to sew with.

hima-rain said...

waaah how sweet..

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the feature, that's fantastic! You're Primrose brooches certainly deserve to be seen!


Silly Little Sheep said...

Congratulations!!! Do you actually do something to be featured on magazines or you jusr sew and do your own stuff and they find you on their own??

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Congratulations! They look fantastic! :)

Kay said...

Congrats for the publicity. They look lovely for spring.

Giovi's Creations said...

Congrats!! They're great! GIovi

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks everyone! It's always so nice when my work gets featured anywhere :)

Silly Little Sheep - to be honest I am a bit terrible at / lazy about PR and have only ever been featured by people who have found my work via my blog / Etsy shop / Flickr / etc.