Saturday 23 March 2013

Back To Work

So, it seems the theme of March is me being ill! Not fun.

My shops have all been closed for a few days this week while I took some time off, but I've now re-opened my main shop (hurrah!), and I'm making a start on slowly catching up with all my emails, etc. My folks are kindly helping me pack and post orders, so don't worry, parcels will be sent out as normal :)

I haven't even managed to do any knitting this week, I've just slept lots and snoozed on the sofa while half-watching and half-listening to lots of DVDs. Luckily I'd just ordered a whole stack of box sets for me & my mum to watch before I got sick, so I've had plenty of stuff to keep me entertained.

I really miss making things, though! It also feels super weird taking so much time off from work (I am such a workaholic, it's the curse of being self-employed, I think?) but happily my boss (who is me) is very sympathetic, haha. 

In other non germ-related news... do you remember me blogging earlier this year about a new craft book that features a couple of projects designed by me? It's called So Pretty! Felt, it's published by Chronicle Books and it's out now. Yay! 

It's available from Amazon USA & Amazon UK and lots of other book stores.

I'll be blogging a bit more about it sometime soon - it's such a nice book, I'm so thrilled to have been a part of it :)

Also, did you see this lovely-looking new magazine, Made in Paper

It's out now and the nice people at Mollie Makes have five copies to give away (open to readers in the UK only).

[Just to let you know, the Amazon links in this post are affiliate links]


Stefanie said...

Good for you on taking a few days off to rest and revitalize. No use running yourself into the ground. Congrats on the book designs and mag! Your felt work is lovely.

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks! xxx The magazine has nothing to do with me tho, I just thought it looked rather nice :)

Sue Hayton said...

Having retired last half term I was surprised how much I slept till stupid o'clock. Enjoy the rest!!!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks Sue! :)