Wednesday 27 March 2013

Thinking about Work

I've been thinking lots of big thoughts lately about money and work and happiness... about my plans for my business (and my life!) for the next few years ... and about how I can make as much of my working life fit into the middle of this Venn diagram as possible :)


Studio Wien-art said...

I recognise that all. I'm thinking about it too.

Things Hand Made said...

Your posts have seemed a little ponderous recently suggesting change. I can't really offer advice, I fell into work that I love rather by accident but it did help that I just kept saying yes to everything, not really advice as I think most people are like that. Have you considered getting out there and teaching face to face? You might need a PTLLs qualification but why not look at your local authority adult education and see if they need craft tutors.
Gosh sorry, this is not meant to be a lecture , it just tumbled out.

Unknown said...

I imagine we all think about that from time to time. I'm certainly pondering my future atm as my job contracts ends in the summer (and we're unclear about extensions) and I'm selling my house with my now ex boyfriend, so a lot is changing. I think it's good sometimes for thigs ro change though, it means you're freer to do what you really want to do! Good luck in growing your starred area! Good Luck!


Things Hand Made said...

Me again! Why this post has stuck in my head but while preparing lunch for the kids I remembered this.
You are good at writing instructions.... Why not apply to be a ghost writer for a Catt book?

Tumus said...

Hang in there Lu. It takes alot of guts to know when to cut something loose when it's not working or to say no. Learning to say no is probably harder to keep in check and will only come with time. As you go on in life knowing your own limits will allow you to flourish in areas you excel in. It's not a bad thing and it's one lesson I believe people have the hardest time learning.

Flora said...

Great little visual.

I'm going to pin that above my workbench to remind me A) to steer clear of jobs that don't fit into at least 2 of those, and B) to feel thankful that lately I've had a good run of jobs that fit into the magical triangle!

Flora x

Anonymous said...

It's hard because many of those earning a 'living' from crafts are living supported by husbands/partners. They don't need to pay mortgage or rent just extras while they get paid for their hobby. I know that sounds patronising but it's true! Some of us can barely afford the supplies to make the things we want to sell while some people's homes replicate fabric shops which they swan around in like spoilt children. It's easy to be creative when you have it all in front of you, and when you run out hubby buys you some more to keep you happy. Even quite successful women have this set up and it doesn't do them any favours. I know I sound bitter and twisted (that's because I am an old crow and I am, sometimes its hard not to be.)

For those of us who really do need to bring in a proper income, it is made doubly difficult by people who give away all their resources or let people have them cheaply; people come to see our handcrafts as cheap skills that they are not prepared to pay for. For instance on etsy people will pay a fortune for a pendant pre made that some one looped on a chain, while a piece of sewing work or cross stitch say that took literally days will barely if that get a price that covers the cost of supplies.

It is rare to find a successful person who really is going it alone. When I find one, I wish them well and support them. That is why I wish you all the luck in the world and admire your talent and guts. Keep going and keep strong. I am just starting out and people like you help light the way for me and to see that it is possible.

Hope you continue to find a way to make it all work for you. Teaching is a good idea - your book writing has surely given you the credentials. Craft workshops will need money to set up but people will pay a lot of money to go on them - especially with an established person like yourself. Of course this takes money to set up. Courses run by local councils may be your answer and you might need the ptlls certificate to start but possibly not.

Online tutorials are good - downloaded by email. I've got a fantastic one by flossie teacakes on applique. Truly stupendously done and worth every penny (she could have charged double.) I think buyers are very loyal and would keep returning to buy again.

I'm sure you have plenty of ideas anyway, you've done great so far!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks for all your kind, thoughtful comments everyone! xx

I love my job and have got lots of things planned for developing it in the future, hopefully large chunks of it will fit in that middle bit in the diagram :)