In other news, I have been making lots of leaf, pin & flower -decorated pincushions and needlebooks, more Felt Fancies (pink ones to add to the yellow), lots of little spring flowers (some with little yellow button centres too, very cute), and until I can get my hands on some biscuit-coloured felt to turn the biscuits into brooches I'm working on plans applique them to things (needlebooks, for example) and turning them into a selection of cards (they would make great party invitations or birthday cards, I reckon). I am also hunting out marzipan-coloured felt so I can make mini slices of Battenburg cake cos it looks just so delicious! ... oh, and I'm working on some patterns so that I can make specific flowers and turn them into brooches / put them on pincushions, etc. Pansies, roses, tulips, etc etc. Lots of sewing!
I'm also trying to generally build up some stock because I have a lot of things selling out and I'd like to be able to sell more of them, or have them in different colours to offer people (the birds in particular need some stock built up for this reason)... or wear them myself cos I actually rather like a lot of the things I am making, you know :) I have been wearing a little trio of the small flower pins on my sweater for the past couple of days and am delighted with how sweet & pretty they look. They have really been cheering me up a lot...
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