Tuesday 10 June 2014

Retro Cassette Phone Case for Mollie Makes

The June edition of Mollie Makes is out now and, as I rather excitedly mentioned the other day, my project is on the cover!

I designed a retro cassette phone case you can stitch from felt...

... there are also templates included for making an iPod and iPad case, and instructions for making either a tape with a felt rainbow or a pretty fabric "sticker".


Ooh look, it's me! It's always a bit (okay, a lot) weird seeing my face staring back at me from a magazine, but it's so nice to find myself on a contributors page with a big crafty name like Kirstie Allsopp. 

It was lovely to get my hands on a copy of the magazine, and to see the fab layout the team have put together. There are step by step pics too of course, but to see that spread you'll have to buy a copy ;)

Mollie Makes Issue 41 is out now, available from UK newsagents and supermarkets or online. The digital edition is available to download through ZinioGoogle Play and Apple Newsstand.


Manu said...

Ah, the old good audio cassette mix tapes! Full of randomly-recorded-from-the-radio songs, covered in all kinds of stickers... Ah, rolling the tape back into the cassette, using a Bic pen! I miss my childhood :)
Your phone case is well worth the cover of Molly Makes, it's super-sweet! Congrats! x x

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I already received my copy and absolutely love this project! Somewhere in the loft I have some old mix tapes, I can't wait to make this case! Chrissie x

Silly Little Sheep said...

I really like it! At first from the picture, it looked like it is a toy casette, that would be nice, too, to make a toy like that, I know my niece would love it!! :D

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being on the cover! I cannot wait for it to be available in America, I'm going to definitely have to pick up a copy!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks everyone! I'm so pleased with how this project turned out, especially as I looooove mixtapes and still often play my old ones on my walkman :)