Sunday 22 June 2014

A Fun Crafty Video: The Make Escape on London Live

Remember The Make Escape, the fab free craft night I went to in London last month?

Well, the night was filmed for TV station London Live... and the segment went out this week. I sadly missed it live but - hurrah, hurrah - they've put the clip up online.

It's a really lovely little video full of crafty goodness! Plus me, in a cat sweater, talking about making paper beads :)

Update: it looks like the video is only available to view if you're in the UK. Sorry folks! x

If it doesn't play automatically, press the arrow to start the video & when it's loaded then click in the very bottom left of the screen to play the film. If you can't see the video or it doesn't work for you, click here to view it on the London Live site.

The Make Escape is a free bi-monthly craft night held at the Hackney Attic on the last Tuesday of every other month. The next event is on Tuesday 29th July at 7.30pm, with the theme of "Village Fair". Visit their blog for more details or follow them on Twitter.


Manu said...

"Content is only available within the Uk" :-(

Bugs and Fishes said...

Oh what a shame! Sorry x