Monday 19 August 2013

Getting Stuff Ticked off Lists

Remember that big list of crafty things I needed / wanted to get finished?

I've already finished #2 (making pompoms for little knitted hats), #6 (using up my stash of leftover yarn to knit more little hats and moss stitch squares), #14 (finishing a couple of owl masks), #15 (finishing a swan mask) and #20 (sewing eyes on lots of felt owls)... and I managed to tick a few more things off the list this weekend... with the help of my furry assistant!


I've been gradually working on #13 (sewing lots of felt birds) over the past few weeks and finished the very last batch yesterday - some bluetit brooches. I also finished some cherry blossom and forget-me-not brooches (#16 & #17).

I crossed #12 (altering the sleeves of a vintage dress) off the list very quickly after trying the dress on and deciding that actually I don't like the fit any more & am pretty unlikely to actually wear it... so instead of spending ages altering it I've just added it to the charity shop pile. Life is far too short to faff about altering dresses you're probably not actually going to wear!

I also finished weaving in all the ends for my leftover-sky-blanket-yarn blanket (#4) and I have (finally!) almost finished my sky blanket (#3). I just need to weave in about half a dozen more yarn ends, and then sew on the button I bought to mark where the year begins. 

Here's the last heap of yarn ends trimmed from the blankets...

... and here are both the blankets, waiting for me to add that button:


You can see how much chunkier the original sky blanket is compared to the one I've knitted from the leftover yarn!

Oh, and I've also finished prepping the 13 free tutorials I'll be sharing as part of my book launch next month. It feels great to have got all those tasks ticked off & have all the posts scheduled and ready to go!


Amy said...

Love your little birds! They are so sweet.

Anonymous said...

I have also been making some little hats for the Big Knit. I love making the Pom poms just as much too.
If you want to see them I have posted some pics on my blog. I hope to make some more before the deadline.
Love the shade of wool that you have used.

Bugs and Fishes said...

Hippie-land - thank you! :)

Anon - they are such fun little things to make, aren't they?