Wednesday 14 August 2013

Keeping Busy: Knitting, Sewing, Designing, Tidying & Planning

This week is flying by! Wanna see some pics of what I've been up to?

In the evenings I've been doing some wind-down-at-the-end-of-the-day knitting and have finally finished knitting all my leftover yarn into little hats for the Big Knit (and weaving in all the ends, and making little pompoms for all the hats).


Here are all the finished hats...

...  It's always quite hard to part with these, they are just so cute. I hope all the folks who find them on their smoothies this autumn will enjoy them :)

My "big project" at the moment is a series of free tutorials I'm planning to share here on my blog to celebrate the launch of my new book. I've been editing lots of photos and scanning lots of template sheets and generally prepping lots of blog posts - as you can see from my To Do list / chart there's still a few things that need doing, but I'm getting there slowly! I'm really excited about the new book coming out (less than a month to go! Yay!) and about sharing these free projects with you guys.

I'm also preparing a few other tutorials, including a tutorial for a handmade card that I totally meant to finish and share last week... before I got distracted by my trip to the Festival of Quilts! Oops. In the meantime, here's a snap of the pretty colours I've been using:

I've also been working on finishing some stuff in my WIP box, including lots of owl masks:


Here's a pic of the WIP box in its new home...


... earlier this year these shelves looked quite different! I've been rearranging the stuff in my studio quite a bit over the past few months, as now I'm no longer selling supplies there's a lot more space for all my other work stuff. I'm especially pleased that now all my craft books are on one bookcase all together (and on nice sturdy shelves that can take the weight of all those chunky books)

Right, I'm off to scan in some more template sheets!