Tuesday 2 April 2013

Things on my April To Do List

Remember my sky blanket? I had totally hoped to have it finished by the end of 2012 but I was so busy working on my new book that I just didn't have the time... and what with one thing and another suddenly it's April and it's still not finished! Tsk tsk.

So, finishing sewing on all these remaining squares is on the top of my "restful crafty things" to do list for this month. I've sewn a few on already, and have about thirty left to go...

Also on my April to do list: finishing organising the folders of press clippings I started putting together a couple of months ago.

I'm adding all my magazine clippings and printing out some nice blog mentions and interviews too, so I can have an easy to flick through archive instead of a stash of magazines & a bunch of bookmarked links. I've kept one magazine though - a lovely Chinese magazine that was my first ever press mention (super exciting!).

The magazine and my press folders live here along with my copies of the craft books my designs have been featured in. We jokingly refer to this shelf as my "ego shelf" :)

In other news, I have totally failed to calculate all the new shipping rates for my shop... so even though the Royal Mail's postage rates have now gone up you guys have a few more days to shop at the "old" prices before I finish my sums.


Shell said...

My husband found out to his cost today posting an item. He calculated on it costing a little over £8 and it cost just over £15 as from today's postal charges.

Sheila said...

It seems the costs always go up, i was selling some things on ebay and really lost out because of the postage cost. Oh well, everyone will understand. Such pretty things....

Bugs and Fishes said...

Shell - yup, there are some BIG price increases this year thanks to the new categories! Ah well.