Thursday 4 April 2013

Making Lots of Little Xs

I have been drawing lots and lots of little Xs as I'm working on a new cross stitch pattern...

... this has been in my "designs in progress" box for months! I had planned to design the pattern and then stitch it before sharing the chart & finished piece with you guys, but being honest with myself I've realised that it's gonna be ages until I have the time to stitch it so I'm just gonna share the chart with you sometime soon (and then hopefully find the time to stitch it for myself later).

It's nothing too fancy but I hope you'll like it :)


Unknown said...

I know the feeling. I mostly do cross stitch and it takes ages, especially when designing charts! I have some software so I can do it on my computer rather than drawing it all out, (which is handy as I can select different colours and see a computerised mock up of what it will look like whaen stitched on aida, or linen, e.t.c. The problem is that cross stitch, backstitch french knots and beads are the only stitches, so anything else is a bit of a pain to design. Good luck with it though, I'm looking forward to seeing the chart!


PastMastery said...

That's the trouble with computers.It dumbs down. There is no substitute for a creative brain Gemma ! Good luck Laura. Sue

Unknown said...

Oh, I love it! I'm a big fan of any setnences on fabrics!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Gemma - I think I need to get some software for designing charts, it takes such an age to do by hand (especially if you make a mistake!)