Saturday 13 April 2013

Making Lots of Felt Owls

I'm continuing to feel a bit worn out after my recent patch of illness, and yesterday afternoon I felt particularly rubbish. I had to abandon my work plans for the afternoon & retire to the sofa to put my feet up with some simple, restful crafting. Luckily in my job there are always loads of crafty bits and bobs that need doing, so I can rest and do a bit of work at the same time :)

Yesterday's relaxing task? Sewing a whole flock of sparkly felt owls:

I've wanted to make some colourful owls for ages after making a set of brown felt owl ornaments last year and I knew they'd be the perfect project for my restful afternoon. They all still need their eyes and beaks sewn on but still, it's great to have been so productive on a day when I was feeling so under the weather.... and I have a plan for all these owls!

Fancy making some owls of your own? You can find my original felt owl tutorial HERE and a guide to adapting it to make little felt owl ornaments HERE. (The tutorials recommend sewing on the eyes and beak before adding the feathers / sequins / etc but as you can see from the above pic I'm sewing my owls the other way round. I used the owl I'd sewn earlier as a guide to make sure I was leaving enough space for the eyes & beak, I was just impatient to get to the fun part of sewing on all those sequins!)


Egretta Wells blog said...

So sorry you were feeling bad, but I love the owls you made. I will try my hand at some one of these days!!

Silly Little Sheep said...

I sympathize... I am ill myself and stuck at home all the time.
How long does it take you to make one from start to finish?? You must be a very skilled and fast cutter and sewer if you made all this in one afternoon!!!! :)

elliesue said...

I love all the colours you used. I have just cut one out using purple, dark pink wings, and various shades of purple and pink for the front bits. Am making a pin cushion for a friend who is an owl addict.

JO SOWERBY said...

You sound like you've had a nasty illness. Love the owls xx
Jo x

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone!

Egretta Wells blog - do give the owls a try, they are very fun to sew :)

Silly Little Sheep - No idea how long each one of these took to cut and sew, but I have had a lot of practice over the years!! Making stuff in batches always makes things go faster too (production lines = efficient things!)

elliesue - thanks, these are some of my favourite colours to use! I hope your friend will like her owl xx

Jo - ugh, yes, it has been no fun! Feeling much better now though, which is good :)

Kay said...

These are lovely. A girl can never have too many owls. Hope you feel better soon.

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks Kay! :)