Stash Happy: Felt contains 30 felt projects... including one project designed by me (the autumn leaves coffee cosy on the cover).
For your chance to win, just leave a comment on this blog post recommending a crafty book, magazine or blog you've enjoyed recently. It'll be lovely to hear what crafty things you've been reading and enjoying lately!

I'm happy to ship internationally, so anyone can enter.Leave your comment before 10pm on Sunday 16th October (UK time) and I'll pick a winner at random on Monday 17th October.
Please leave a name or pseudonym - no anonymous comments please! - and include a blog link, Twitter or Etsy username or email address so I can contact you (if I'm unable to contact the winner within two weeks, I will have to pick someone else so please make sure you leave a way for me to get in touch).
UPDATE: this giveaway is now closed.
I would love the chance to win please. My recommendation is The Cuter book by Aranzi Aronzo.
Thank you for the chance to win. Sue x
Oooooh I would love that book! I've really enjoyed the C.R.A.F.T blog (http://www.creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com) recently. Lots of inspiration and great freebies!
http://www.searchpress.com/info.asp?EAN=9781844486854&page=search& steampunk softies. its so much fun. not for everyone i suppose but great none the less.
my favourite "crafty" book at the moment is 1000 things to make and do by Usborne. Although this is really a children's book. As I turn over the pages I find myself ooing at the ideas and thinking how I could make them a bit more adult although some of them are fab as they are!
Love the look of this book, so please count me in for a chance to win. xx
My fav blog at the moment has to be Annaboos House: http://annabooshouse.blogspot.com/
Lots of colourful photos, funny writing and funky tutorials. Fab.
Thanks Jumbleberries xx
Thank you for the chance to win. I love working with felt so my book recommendation is Felt Friends from Japan http://www.amazon.co.uk/Felt-Friends-Japan-Super-Cute-Accessaries/dp/4770031416/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1318248374&sr=1-1 It is full of cute designs which I have used for various craft projects.
My Twitter name is CheshireCrafter
I want to say Super Cute Felt, as that's really my fave, so this one is next in line. The Hana Hood brooch is a winner. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Felt-Friends-Japan-Super-Cute-Accessaries/dp/4770031416/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1318248921&sr=1-6
Love Chantel x
I would lvoe to win.
My latest craft read is Classic Collection by Sasha Kagan. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Classic-Collection-Sasha-Kagan/dp/1861088450/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318248952&sr=8-1
I had one of her books in the 1980s and it was lovely to read this and see how her designs (from 1970s to now) are so gorgoues and suitable for today. Lovely book.
Alix bigbluebed@live.com
There are so many! One of the latest new-to-me sites though, is Craftaholics Anonymous (www.craftaholicsanonymous.net)
Thanks for the giveaway!
leahthezombie at gmail dot com
Can I tell you about one I haven't read yet but muchly want to? 55 Christmas Balls to Knit (book) looks great! I love scandinavian knitting patterns & these ones wouldn't take too long to finish!
Ooh would love it please!!
I'm into A Beautiful Mess, which is a blog about nearly everything, recipes, making cute things! MY ultimate fave is making my own tea bags which I'm thinking of doing with my daughter :)
I've not bought a crafty book ever since! Hope this helps :)
Oooh, lovely book!
My fave read at the moment is Mollie Makes (after finally getting my hands on a copy - bliss!). I also really love the book 'the homemade home' by Sania Pell - I am working my way through making everything in it!
Thank you!
My favouritist book at the minute is The Quilter's Bible by Linda Clements- I paid a whopping £20 for it but it is half that on Amazon. It has absolutely everything and anything you need to know about patchwork, quilting and applique and loads of techniques I hadn't even heard of- it's brilliant for beginners and beyond.
Well, the book I'd recommend is not released yet, but will be tomorrow. Why I know I will enjoy? Because it's written by Joel from http://madebyjoel.blogspot.com/, who is just plain old awesome. His book is called Made to play. Here is a link to the American Amazonpage
Thanks for a chance to win this book...
Greetings from Germany
Looks like a great book. My recommendation would be Fa La La La Felt - well, it is almost the season...
Stash Happy: Felt is by the same author so I know it's going to be good!
Jane x
I've recently been given http://www.amazon.co.uk/Felt-Friends-Japan-Super-Cute-Accessaries/dp/4770031416/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1318248374&sr=1-1 and I hope to get stuck in when I get the time!
I'm BooTeeq on Twitter (and etsy!)
Я очень люблю твой блог!!!
Как только увидела работы из фетра, стала последователем!
Очень нравятся твои фетровые броши!!!!И маленькие кружочки на фотографии)))
Betz White's Warm Fuzzies is a great book. As for magazines I LOVE Country Living and look forward to hem every month!
I would absoluetely love that book! :)
My recommendation is:
I love, want and NEED this book!
I would love a book with some new felty-crafty ideas! I'll give a shout out of "It's all Fiddle Fart" blog (www.itsallfiddlefart.blogspot.com) I've gotten some great ideas for papercrafting, including using paper punches and craft paper to make my jewelry tags. Cute and inexpensive -- two of my favorite things!
Hope you are feeling a bit better now. That book looks so fun.
A blog I really like is http://www.needlenthread.com/ It has loads of sewing tips!
Please let me have it!! My birthday is on 15Oct!! Make me a happy birthday girl! Hee.. v(^-^)v
I've only recently discovered crafting using felt and am really loving the material! I would love to have my first book of patterns and inspiration to learn more ways to craft with felt.
I live in Holland and the blog I would like to share is actually the one that made me discover you! It's in Dutch, but the concept is that they just link to lots of crafting tutorials all over the internet on many many blogs. It's a great way to find out what's out there, what appeals to you and what is possible with crafting. It is what got me into crafting with felt and a place where I can always find new inspiration! http://www.freubelweb.nl
My top blog at the moment (I like to keep Hilary on her toes) is http://www.ukcraftblog.com/ - there have been some really useful posts about facebook changes recently, vital for those of us who sell our crafts.
I have some fab Japanese craft books but I've no idea what they are called!
So... I recommend Zakka Sewing by Therese Laskey + Chika Mori
Cheers, Leigh
"Sew pretty, Christmas homestyle" is my favourite read of the moment. It is a beautiful book with lovely photos and illustrations. It has kick started my brain into Christmas mode!
I will recommend something different! A magazine! My cousin sent me a week ago two issuea of Mollie Makes magazine! and omg it has so indpiring photos! I am full of inspiration thanks to it - we don't have magazines like that here.. so it was even more inspiring to see photos like this in a !!real!! magazine! not in a network book! :)
I hope things are going better for you and that you are getting settled.
I would love the opporunity to win this book. Right now my fave book is Scandinavian Needlecraft by Clare Youngs and Mollie Makes magazine (took me forever to find a copy locally)!
Thnak you andtake care of yourself!
Oh, thanks - I'd love a chance to win!
My book recommendation is 'cute and easy crochet' by Nicki Trent!
Maria x
I have just been given "Little Birds: 26 Handmade Projects to Sew, Stitch, Quilt & Love" as a present and I still haven't decided which one to start with, they are all soo pretty! Thanks for the give away, I hope you're holding up OK.
I'm in love with the new Design*Sponge book out. It has some great DIY and craft projects and is just a load of inspiration for my home. I really really want to win this giveaway..I'm doing so much with felt lately..This would be perfect!
I've been drooling over 'Print and Pattern 2' which has amazing prints and designs from designers, including some who sell on etsy and elsewhere.
Highly recommended : )
I would love to win this book : )
Hope you are keeping well xx
I adore felt!!! Madly I want the book!
Oh, how exciting... I have lots of felt from your lovely shop to work through. My current crafty inspiration has been the Geek Crafts blog, http://geekcrafts.com/ so full of inspiring and geeky objects.
I've been reading the Gentle Art of Quilting
well, by reading I mean drooling over the gorgeous fabrics and planning my next make. I'd recommend having a browse of it if you get the opportunity :)
I have been loving the fall knit scene magazine lately. The winter issue will be out in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to that, too!
Hi, My favourite "crafy" book at the moment is "Knitting Around"
Than yoo for this giveaway.
My blog is:
oohh please pop me in the hat :-) I love the book by Helen Philipps I recently bought called 'Simple Sewn Gifts'
thank you for the chance to win the book...
I never read a book about felt...but one of my favourite blog is 1001 feltros
thanh you.
lovely giveaway! im love brett baras new book sewing in a straight line..the projects in it are so wonderful and easy! raineoc@yahoo.com
At the moment I'm enjoying reading 'Fresh Quilting' by Malka Dubrawsky - fabulous use of colour!
Thanks for the giveaway! I've only recently been introduced to the wonderful world of felt and would love to have some projects!
I'm quickly realizing that I love almost everything by Martha Stewart. I feel like she's really coming back into style.
I have to say, that whale plushie on the back of the book has me sold!
I have to say one of my favourite websites for craft tutorials/shop has to be purlbee:
I've done their cirtus/apple costers and rose barrettes! Plus they have a shop with some very interesting kits/supplies (Glow in the dark thread!? YES!)
My latest enjoyable read came from Bugs and Fishes last guest post - crafter-oo - loved it!
It's definitely turning to the weather for felt and I reckon the projects in Stash Happy Felt might be just right for winter projects!
Fun! Love your work and I'm sure I'll love the book as well :-) I've been sewing a lot lately and I'm enjoying Stitched In Color, Noodlehead and Make It Perfect Blogs.
My fav blog (& has been for over a year now) is Jane's... Spain Daily - an Aussie living in Spain who takes the most delish photos of her time there! Love it!
Thanks for the chance to win...need some new felt inspiration!!! ;)
Homegrown Hospitality at http://homegrownhospitality.typepad.com/homegrown_hospitality/ has been my favorite blog for a while now.
Hi, my favourite blog at the moment is Annaboos House. she is so clever. My favourite craft hook is one my Huffle bought me for my birthday and was recommended by another blogger, Crochet Unravelled: A Clear and Concise Guide to Learning Crochet [Illustrated] [Paperback] . Its very good if you are learning how to crochet.
Famfa. Http://busybutterfingers.blogspot.com
I recommend The Big Ass Book of Crafts. It is exactly what it sounds like. So many good ideas in there!
Lindsey Aylward
My current favorite blog is A Spoonful of Sugar http://www.aspoonfulofsugardesigns.com/ I also love Kids Craft Weekly http://kidscraftweekly.com/ I have the unfortunate habit of falling in love with every craft book I pick up!
thanks for the chance to win a copy of this gorgeous book. I'm pouring over lots of different books atm, but right now I'm looking at Sewing Bits and Pieces by Sandi Henderson
Oh how fun! I haven't had the time (or energy ha!) to read a book lately, but I squeeze blog reading in whenever I can. Right know, my favorites are I am Momma Hear Me Roar(http://iammommahearmeroar.blogspot.com) and Made (http://www.dana-made-it.com) Thanks a bunch!
I'm also addicted (as well as to your blog) to IT's All Fiddle Fart:
She makes me smile every morning when I log in as bookmark it as part of my homepage!
Niiiice! I'd love to have a chance to get chosen! I'm deployed on a US Navy ship right now so getting this would give me some great ideas to do when I get back home to hubby and the kids!!! Thank you!
I love Craftster.org. It's the best multi craft message board I know.
Good old A Beautiful Mess is always an inspiration.
I would love to win! Hurray for giveaways :)
I'm totally in love with Teeny Tiny Mochimochi book!! Trying to get a copy.
I cant go past Attic24 for lots of croceht crafty inspiration and gorgeous colour!
Really loved reading through everyones fav books and blogs!! Great question.
I really love a french magazine callled Marie Claire Idees and a really amazing book I just bought about the history of knitting called Knitting America.
This book looks amazing - it would certainly be Christmas coming early if I was to win :-).
My crafting is all a bit basic so I have been having fun looking at an Usborne book 'Christmas things to stitch and sew' for fun ideas to do with my girls.
Thanks for a great blog
i have just discovered felt and I just love all the things you can do with it. thanks for your blog and all the great projects
Mollie Makes and Craftseller are my favourite mags at the mo.
I would love to have that book, too! :) There is a hungarian crafty blog I really like: http://fercmuvek.blogspot.com/
I would love to win please! I borrowed this book from the library, but sadly had to return it as someone else wanted to borrow it as well - how dare they! My favourite magaxine at the moment is Prima Christmas Makes (am I sad?).
Jo x
I love the cozy on the cover! Great colours and repetition. As the autumn colours are coming, I'm thinking sweaters. After buying a bunch and felting them, I decided to take out all my books that had felted things in them. It's nice to relook at a book to see what is "new" to you in your ever growing tastes and abilities.
This book... this book would suit me just fine.
thanks for sharing.
recently I entered www.cutoutandkeep.net
it is nice website with tons of how-tos..
rinei.martiani at gmail dot com
Hello from Belarus!
Very lovely book!
My favorite crafty blog is http://rigierukodelki.blogspot.com/
My favourite crafty book of the moment is this darling Japanese felting book, the projects are unbelievably cute:
I am completely obsessed with Mollie Makes and Simply Homemade at the moment, both are great mags full of inspiration and lovely projects. As for crafty blogs I follow so many I wouldn't know which to choose. Please count me in for your giveaway thanks
Pene x
OMG, I sooo want the prize!! I would recommend Superziper blog. It's one of my favourites by now!
It's written in Portuguese, but most of pictures are self explainable... ;)
My twitter: @drianis
Fab giveaway!
At the moment I am getting all my crafty inspiration and stock piling lots of images at Pinterest. It's so much fun!!
I love your blog, thanks for sharing your works and experiences with us, and for this opportunity.
Mª José (majogonga@gmail.com)
My blog: http://mariaenredos.blogspot.com/
Who doesn't have a happy stash of felt!
I've been loving the new-ish magazine Mollie Makes. Simple projects and lots of yummy photos great for a little inspiration over a cup of tea.
It would be great to have a resource like that at home!
Sure we can get a lot of ideas from it.
Lovely giveaway :-) I like ourcreativespaces.blogspot.com - it's a linky blog where people link up their crafty projects each week!
Wow ! Will be so glad if i could win this giveaway !!
I don't have much collections, but i enjoy reading "Felties - how to make 18 cute and fuzzy friends" by Nelly Pailloux. It has the most cutest felt crafts and easy to be done on your own. Besides, i enjoy reading a blog on handmade greeting cards (Lin handmade greeting cards) by one of my friend. She makes such lovely greetings which i cannot get my eyes off..
Hello! Glad I've found your blog :)
One of the books I enjoy looking through is "My Name Is Amineko"; I have so much fun just looking at the pictures! I made one Amineko, too, and it's my daughter's favorite toy now :)
I see this post only today. I 'm lucky: I am in time to patecipate!
I havo only one book speacking of felt: FA LA LA FELT, and for me it is a great book. but now I go to see the other's recommendations.
thank you for your suggestions. marta (mail: sakehanska@virgilio.it)
I have just been looking to buy this book so would love to have a go at winning a copy.
One of my favourite blogs at the moment is houseinsideout, it's got a bit of everything on it and so much inspiration - hope you have a look and enjoy!
Nicky x
wow! this looks like an amazing book! I would love the opportunity to win something like this! WOW ! Thank you for this chance!
Warm regards, Hedwig
I'd love to participate! Thanks for the chance to win :)
I recommend this blog for xmas inspiration: http://christmasorniesal.blogspot.com
Giovi (gioviscreations.blogspot.com)
The book looks really nice, I would love to win!
A crafty blog I still love and have for a while now is The Purl Bee (www.purlbee.com).
I'm glad I stumbled across your blog today! Thanks for the chance of winning. My fav blog at the moment is That Crafty Fish - that's how I came across yours! Will be back to visit soon x
I love Sew Beautiful magazine. Drmithome (at) yahoo (dot) com
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