Fancy a quick and easy bit of Halloween crafting? You've come to the right place! :)
Today I'm sharing a free embroidery pattern for a cute and happy little candy corn:
Candy corn are small American sweets, associated with the autumn harvest and often eaten at Halloween. I stitched some felt versions a few years ago and couldn't resist trying out an embroidered version (you guys know how much I love a project variation!).
This little guy is quick and easy to stitch, and fits into a 4 inch embroidery hoop for stitching (or displaying in the hoop when you've finished).
The candy corn is stitched in white, orange, and yellow (to match the colours of the sweets). I ummed and ahhed about whether to do the top two horizontal lines in white and orange, or in orange and yellow - maybe you'd like to stitch yours differently!
I used backstitch and three strands from six-stranded embroidery thread (floss) to sew most of the pattern, but you might want to use more strands and/or a different stitch for a bolder candy corn. I then added two chunky French knots for the eyes, but if you cannot bear stitching French knots white seed beads would work just as well.
This little guy would look super cute sewn onto all kinds of textile projects - from coin purses to coasters to t-shirt pockets. You could also make little embroidered felt ornaments by stitching him onto a dark felt background. I like to use tissue paper patterns when I'm embroidering on felt (click here for an example!).
Want to sew some of my original felt candy corn? You'll find tutorials for the cute candy corn ornaments and more in this round-up of some of the Halloween projects available on my blog.
This pattern is for non commercial use only: you can use it to stitch as many candy corn as you want for yourself or as gifts, but please don't make any for sale. You may borrow the photo if you want to blog about this project, but remember to credit me and link back to this page on my blog, and do not reproduce my entire post or share my pattern on your site. Thanks!
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