Friday 5 October 2012

Birds in Progress

Update: you'll find a tutorial for sewing a felt barn owl mask (and lots more fun felt masks) over on my Patreon page.

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This week I've been making lots of birds.

I've been sewing lots of brown owl masks and barn owl masks (which are both proving popular at the moment with Halloween just around the corner) Here's a pile of them, half-finished:

I've also been cutting out lots of pieces ready for making some British bird ornaments.

I love that pair of photos together - lots of sewing happens in between those two steps!


Jessica said...

Gosh Laura your owl masks are stunning - I absolutely adore them :-)

Tumus said...

Between you and I, I've got a very good idea on how much cutting and sewing goes into making those ornaments and masks.
My fingers ache just looking at all those felt scraps!

homemade@myplace said...

lovely work!!!
xxx Alessandra

Genki said...

Those birds are lovely! They would look so good on a Christmas tree.

cutedesigns said...

Love the owl masks. :)

Anonymous said...

I am forever looking for fun owl goodies for my daughter, Grace, who is now a WWU Owl! Your birds are simply lovely. ~Kelly

unDeniably Domestic

Lilyshaw said...

Beautiful birds, lots of hard work but worth it!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Tumus - Yup lots of time goes into this stuff, doesn't it?

Thanks for the kind comments everyone! xx