I'm trying to be really ruthless and admit to myself that I haven't actually worn that dress for 5 years, that this cardigan while once lovely is now 10 years old & looking its age, and that the crazy sweater bought on a whim really does just make me look a bit crazy.
The really fun part of clearing out clothes is, of course, that you're making room for lots of lovely new ones! But I'm also trying to mend & alter all the things that just need a bit of TLC or have hemlines that make me feel rather frumpy.
My mending pile is normally very neglected - partly because there's always something more fun to be sewn than some boring old buttons, and partly because I'm really not very good at it. There was much cussing yesterday as I was sewing on buttons and turning up hems, but it was worth it in the end.
It's especially nice to have my much loved vintage coat restored to its full 14-buttoned glory after shedding so many buttons during the winter...

Over the next few weeks I'll be dredging up memories of skills learned in G.C.S.E. Textiles, checking some sewing books out of the library & tackling those alterations. Most challenging will be a vintage dress with a broken zip which I never wore much as a dress but which I'm hoping will make a lovely new skirt. I'll let you know how it goes!
you wouldn't want to take off a winter coat like that after all the effort to button it up! I have an alterations pile too - has about 2 years dust on it I'd say. A good clear out is good for the soul but having taken up sewing I now find I have a 'lovely fabric to make into something else' pile so even my cast offs aren't making it out of the house anymore!
I'm ashamed to admit that i'm currently wearing a really nice pair of slacks but one of the hems has fallen out so I've pinned it up with paperclips and safety pins.....except it's been like that for over a year now lol.
Even when I wash them I tell myself I'll mend them when they get dry and then I get busy again and forget.
Kitshchycoo blogged the other day about reinventing some clothes - you two should get together!
Just found you , did a little blog hopping. The pin cushions are great, and I think I will try my fingers at them for my sewing.
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