Hello! My house continues to be a huge mess - it feels like we've just moved in, or are just about to move out or something, boxes and piles of things everywhere! I think it may be making my brain slightly addled but I shall attempt coherant thoughts...
Last night's craftiness? Working on a batch of biscuit brooches, and finishing some recycled envelopes I found half-finished in a box in the spare room yesterday afternoon:

They are rather a good (though embarrasing) example of how I start things and leave them unfinished... I cut out those envelopes
on day 94, made the cards to go with the brown ones
on day 89, and cut out the map sections way back on
day 18! Oh dear. The patterned envelopes will be used for sending out my zines (I like to send interesting post when I can).
In exciting (to me at least) tidying news, I have conquered the mess in the odd little room off our kitchen. Mostly it's full of dull-but-practical things like recycling, my gardening kit and odd vases and dishes we don't have room for in the kitchen... but these are luckily hidden from view and in pride of place under the window is this china cabinet:

You can see better photos of my crockery collection
here and
here, and the awesomeness that is the dish at the top left
here. Some of my china is thrifted and some inherited, and the cabinet itself cost about £3 (US$6) - I'm thinking about painting it white, what do you reckon?
I think it looks nice the way it is, looks more vintage that way. Nice pottery collection :)
Party rings are my son's favourite biscuit! I like it the way it is too, great china collection.
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