Or, you could follow all my tutorials to make a whole bowl of felt fruit. I've already shared tutorials for sewing the apples and pear, and the orange and apple slices. I'll be posting the remaining projects in the coming weeks.
Please note that the finished felt fruit is intended for decorative use only - it is not a toy and should be kept well out of reach of young children.
This project was originally published in docrafts Creativity magazine and stitched using felt from their Craft Planet range.
You will need:
The template sheet provided (see the bottom of this post)
Red and green felt
Matching sewing thread
Yellow embroidery thread
Toy stuffing
Sewing needles and pins
Sewing scissors
To sew the strawberries (large or small):
1. For each strawberry, cut out 3 x strawberry pieces and 1 x strawberry leaf.
2. Use yellow embroidery thread to stitch some "pips" on each of the strawberry pieces.
3. Sew the strawberry pieces together with right sides facing each other, leaving a gap as you sew up the final edge.
4. Turn the strawberry the right way out, stuff it then sew up the gap.
5. Add the leaf to the top with a few stitches of green thread, lining up the points of the leaf with the corners of the strawberry as pictured.
Click here to view the template sheet, make sure you're viewing it full size then print it at 100%. Please note that the finished felt fruit is intended for decorative use only - keep it well out of reach of young children.
This tutorial is for personal use only: you can use it to stitch as many pieces of fruit as you want for yourself or as gifts, but please don't make any for sale. You may borrow a photo or two if you want to blog about this project, but remember to credit me and link back to the original source, and do not reproduce my entire post or share the pattern itself on your site. Thanks!
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My summer decoration...thank you, we love strawberries!
Thanks so much for this cute pattern! They remind me of a prettier version of the emery "strawberrys" on those vintage tomato pincushions, and I think they'd make lovely little pincushions themselves :)
Katrin - let me know if you make some! :)
Aurelia Eglantine - no problem! I'm not sure how many pins you'd be able to stick in these, but I guess you could make a giant strawberry? ;)
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