Thursday 19 March 2015

Meet My Sponsors: March

It's time for my final "meet my sponsors" post!*
Blooming Felt sells 100% wool felt sheets, colourful fairtrade felt craft supplies like felt flowers and felt purses, plus other crafty goodness including buttons, ribbons, flat pad findings, glue, embroidery floss, craft books and fabric:

Big Fish sells lots of colourful buttons and felt balls, as well as other craft supplies like pins, ribbons and mini embroidery hoops:

At The Kitchen Table Business Academy you'll find courses, workshops, e-books, workbooks and lots of free hints, tips and advice for turning your passion into a money-making business:

And Cloud Craft sell 100% wool felt and modern needlework supplies like buttons, thread, wooden stitching shapes, trims, and stitching kits:

* I'm taking a break from selling blog ads. Many thanks to all my sponsors past & present who have helped support my blog over the past couple of years xx

P.S. When the last of my sponsor ads have vanished I'll be giving my blog a bit of a revamp, switching things about in my sidebars etc, so please don't worry if you check my blog one day in the next few weeks and see things looking a bit topsy turvy! :)