Tuesday 26 August 2014

Vintage Pansies: Almost Finished!

After a few more hours of stitching at the weekend, my embroidered pansies are coming along nicely:

I finished stitching the purple sections then (finally) made a decision about how to stitch the centres. As you can see, I decided to stitch them mostly in yellow with some black lines for added detail.

One of the fun/scary things about stitching up old embroidery transfers is that you have no idea how the design will look when it's stitched and just have to wing it when it comes to your colour choices. It took me ages to work out just how I ought to stitch these pansies, but I think they turned out okay!

In the spirit of showing your workings, here's a snap of the back:

Now I just need to choose a suitable shade of green for the leaves and stitch those, then it will be time to do a happy and slightly embarrassing "yay! I finished my project!" dance.

I will be sharing pictures of the finished pansies, of course, but not of the dance :)


Ingrid K. said...

How lovely, Laura! It's coming along nicely!!
Happy stitching!
Ingrid xx