Monday 28 April 2014

Catching Up

The past couple of months have been super hectic, but in a good way!

I've had a string of deadlines for different projects, one after another, which has been a tad stressful at times but fun too. I can't wait to share the results with you when they're (eventually) all published!

I've squeezed in some Nice Days Out into my busy schedule, which at times has felt a little foolish but was totally worth it. Deadline-heavy months like these are the sort of times in which I used to say "oh, I'm much too busy for a day off!" and just work and work and work until everything was finished. But actually these are exactly the sort of times when I need a proper day off - either a proper sanity-saving break from work or a delightful post-deadline treat before launching into the next project. It's been really wonderful to get out of the office for a bit, to give my brain a rest and stretch my legs instead.

I've also been on a (to me) quite astonishing two trips in as many months. I went to rainy Manchester last month (my first holiday in years and my first ever on my own, which proved rather fun) and to sunny Seville this month (my first non-UK holiday since I was about 15! Which was a while ago!!). These trips were not fantastically well timed with all those deadlines inbetween, and I am now feeling slightly broke, but never mind!

So, this week I will be...

... catching up on all those tasks that have built up while I've been rushing around being busy: tidying my studio, doing little bits of admin, replying to blog comments, doing some laundry, etc
... finally scheduling some making days to work on some slightly neglected personal projects
... working on my flower-themed tutorial for May's link-up (I can't believe May has come around so quickly!)
... and editing lots of holiday snaps so I can blog about both my trips sometime soon :)


Manu said...

Andalusia is so beautiful, I was lucky to see it almost entirely, from east to west. In Seville, I particularly loved the jewish quarter and was really impressed by Plaza de EspaƱa. I hope you've had a lovely trip in sunny Spain :)

Fran said...

Seville is beautiful... Did you get to Cordoba too? If not, next time - it's one of my favourite places.

bairozan said...

There's nothing like a far away trip! I love the enjoyment of traveling even though I haven't seen many amazing places in my own country :)

Bugs and Fishes said...

Manu - oh wow, lucky you! The Jewish quarter is lovely, but so easy to get lost among all those little streets :)

Fran - nope, we just went to Seville for a few days, I will have to remember that!

bairozan - it was lovely, and so different to my travels in the UK!