Thursday 13 March 2014

DIY Wedding Manual Giveaway: Winners

 It's time to announce the winners of the DIY Wedding Manual giveaway, hurrah!

The five lucky winners (chosen at random) are...

Jenny, who said "Looks like a fab book, thanks for the opportunity."

Dropstitch, who said "Please count me in. I don't even have a ring on my finger, but I do have one favourited on Etsy! Ha"

Kat, who said "What a lovely looking book - I have a friend getting married next year who would love it!"

Anna, who said " Please could I enter? I got married in August but I am now helping plan my little sister's wedding and she's requested a LOT of handmade, including a felt flower and button bouquet! I'm going to be a busy lady!!"

And Niky, who said "Oh I need one of these!"

I'll be in touch with you all very soon, I hope you'll enjoy the book :)

The DIY Wedding Manual by Laura Strutt is out now and available to buy from Haynes, Amazon UK, Amazon USA, The Book Depository and many other bookshops.

P.S. In case you missed it, make sure to check out Laura's great post on 10 Tips for Creating a DIY Wedding! 

[Please note: the Amazon & Book Depository links in this post are affiliate links]