Friday 14 March 2014

Sneak Peeks & the Return of the Making Day

As I mentioned the other day, I can't blog about most of the things I'm working on at the moment as they're projects for other people... but there are a few things in my WIP box that I can share snaps of.

Spring flowers!

Felt letters!

Gingerbread shapes that I started cutting out last autumn!

With any luck, you'll be seeing these pop up as tutorials at some point but it might be a while because argh deadlines argh and also OMG there is so much other stuff on my To Do list.

I think that as well as scheduling Nice Days Out to make sure I'm getting proper days off from work that I may need to start scheduling Making Days to give me time to brainstorm new ideas, work on my personal projects and generally feed the creative bit of my brain. I tried having a weekly Making Day a couple of years ago and totally failed to stick to it, but I think it's an idea that's worth another try! 


Tumus said...

I know that ARGH! feeling all too well. Especially since I have to do most of my sewing time during afternoon nap or at night after the wee one is in bed and by then I often have little energy to spare.

Hang tough!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Cheers! I am always amazed that people with kids (and without full time nannies) ever manage to get *anything* done :)