Sunday 20 January 2013

Crafty Evenings

I'm trying hard to switch off my laptop early in the evening and to properly relax, so that when I go to bed (hopefully nice and early) my brain is no longer buzzing with work stuff or interesting things I've read online, etc. And for me, relaxing = sitting on the sofa doing some simple, slightly mindless crafting.

So this week I've been knitting some blanket squares using some of my leftover sky blanket yarn...

... and also cutting out lots of doodles and sticking them in that ideas scrapbook I blogged about a couple of days ago. I'd take a photo of some of the pages but I don't want to give away all my secrets (!) so here are some of the leftover paper scraps instead:

I think that is possibly the most boring photograph I've ever shared on my blog, haha!


AnitaS said...

I hope you succeeded to stay away from you laptop.

InkyIshtar said...

You say the paper scraps make a very boring photo, I actually think it's a great one! The shapes and shadows in it are very interesting :)

Nic said...

I am trying to do the same in the evenings; it is all too easy to find yourself glued to the laptop at 1030, I find. It's amazing what you can do in the evenings when you are not on your laptop :)

Green Morning said...

I am intrigued by your idea book :)

Georgina Giles said...

I can't wait to see your new ideas! I'm trying to do the same and stop working - but it rarely happens!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Anita - thank you! I've not totally managed to stick to it, but I'm definitely cutting down on evening computer hours :)

InkyIshtar - thanks! It's funny how simple photos can actually be quite interesting, isn't it?

Nic - YES, I love the internet but it is such a time suck

Green Morning - :)

Georgina - It is soooo hard to switch off, isn't it? Too many projects, too little time!