Sunday 2 September 2012

So Many Ends!

I finally got caught up with sewing in all the loose yarn ends on my sky blanket.

Look how many bits of yarn I've trimmed from the blanket over the past couple of weeks!

I was a couple of months behind (after falling behind with knitting and sewing together the squares this summer) so it took quite a while to catch up. I'm definitely going to be trying to sew in the ends more regularly from now on, as while it's relaxing in small doses this is a job that gets really really boring after a while.

4 comments: said...

haha, it seems to be enough for a bird to build its nest :-)

Claire Davenport said...

I know what you mean. Sewing in ends is the ugly side of knitting and crochet. The bit they don't really tell you about in books... I hate it until you get to that last end. The last one I can cope with :)

Anonymous said...

Hi !

I would like to give you an idea what to do with those loose ends.
Put them in a basket for the birds outside,.. the build their nest with those nice warm ends. The bird association in the Netherlands supports it highly!

Kind regards,

Hedwig from The Netherlands

Bugs and Fishes said...

Claire - oh goodness yes, I think knitters/crocheters who actually *enjoy* things like sewing up and blocking are very lucky!

Hedwig - that's a fab idea, thanks :)