- white felt
- narrow white ribbon
- white embroidery thread
- light purple felt
- some dried lavender & a teaspoon
- tracing paper
- white and purple sewing thread, needles, scissors, pins etc & an embroidery hoop (optional)
A pattern sheet for this project can be found at the bottom of this post.

1) Using the pattern piece provided, cut out 2 identical white felt pieces for the teabag.
2) Cut a length of ribbon, approx 5 inches long. Use white thread to sew one end of the ribbon to the "top" of one teabag shape, so the ribbon overlaps the felt slightly. Then pin both teabag shapes together so that they sandwich the ribbon between them.
3) Starting from the bottom of the teabag, use neat whip stitches to sew the edges of both pieces together almost all the way round - make sure you leave enough room for your teaspoon to get through the gap.
4) Use the teaspoon to lightly stuff your teabag with lavender. Use the handle to make sure the lavender gets in all the corners and is evenly distributed. Then stitch up the gap with more whip stitches.

6) Cut out the tag pattern piece and draw around it onto some tracing paper. Cut this out, so you have a see-through pattern piece. Position the tag shape over your embroidered "tea" until you get the lettering as neatly centred as possible and then cut it out. Also cut a matching piece from plain purple felt.
7) Use matching purple thread to sew the loose end of the ribbon into the tag. Then use neat whip stitches to sew the front and back tag pieces together so the ribbon is sandwiched between them.

Double click on the pattern sheet to view it full size and print:

Please note that this tutorial is for non-commercial use only. If you use an image on your own blog, etc, please credit me and link back to this post. Thanks!
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oooh what a great idea! thanks for taking the time to make the tutorial :)
v. sweet lavender sachets - I am also really loving that gorgeous teacup & saucer, it's exquisite!
Lovely tutorial and a great idea. Thanks.
Great post, which has given me 'cup and saucer' envy!
What an absolutely spiffing idea! Might try those for presents for the mums x
Oh they are so sweet, thanks for sharing.
Great!! blog!!
How cute and fun! Thanks for sharing the wonderful idea.
Thanks for the idea!
I just wanted to drop you aline, to say I have wasted to do this since you posted the tutorial and did last night at last. Thank you very much
What an amazing idea! I would love to make these as part of our wedding gifts. But I'd have to start soon if we're to have almost 100 people ... Oh dear. Still, amazingly cute and simple idea.
These are so cool! And awesome that you shared the tutorial.. and are a lover of tea (I imagine)!
Thanks for the comments everyone!
Eva - yes, I do like a nice cuppa :)
They are super cute!! And they could make great toys for kitchen-oriented little girls too :)
These are adorable. I think they'll make nice "thank you" gifts.
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