With these projects (and a few others) in mind and with the magical power of wireless internet I have been doing lots of window shopping for fabric.
There's an increasingly amazing choice of hand printed and/or independently designed fabrics available (thanks in part to the rise of Spoonflower) , and many of my favourite makers have recently branched out into selling their own fabrics.
Betz White this week launched her organic fabric line, with the drop dead gorgeous "family cottage" collection:

Leanne Graeff is now selling delicious fabric based on her linoprints, including this super-cute house design:

Showpony also now offers fabric, handprinted onto organic, fair trade cotton. The "seasons" print (pictured) is available in summer and winter versions, with leafy trees and bare ones. Lovely!

Queen of the Teatowels (in my kitchen, at least!) Skinny Laminx now offers her "Sevilla Rock" collection by the quarter, half or full metre:

Michelle of Cicada Studio (whose "earthly delights" collection is currently top of my new-sofa-cushions-fabric wishlist) recently co-launched Cloud 9 Fabrics, a sweet range of organic cottons perfect for quilters and other crafters:

Browsing for fabrics I've also been very tempted by the "doiliez" pattern from Swanky Swell...

Loving the leafy tree prints! Hope you're feeling better. I must go to the Womens magazine exhibition - didn't know about it- thanks for sharing.
The birch forest has a wonderfully ethereal quality - but I think it's quite hard to choose! They are a fantastic selection of really different fabrics. Glad you are back in the land of the living, though!
Pomona x
I really adore Show Pony and Cicada Studios they are really lovely prints ^_^
Nice selection of sellers as I did not yet know a few of them so I'll have to check them out!
i love that bird fabric! but it all is gorgeous :)
Ooo I love them all but the Bright
Colours of the Betz White fabric is fab.
I think the birch forest is my favourite - but Lucie Summers' fabric comes a close second...
I love the one from Australia, from Ink&Spindle. Beautiful blue forest.
Great post!
We really wanted to stock the new Betz White when our shop opens but, sadly, no UK distribution (yet?). :(
just the word 'spoonflower' is enough to make me start dribbling like a loon. mmmm fabric, I love them all... fabric. dribble.
All fab but it's Showpony's 'Seasons' that are my top choice at the moment. Funnily I was just looking at these yesterday and thinking about trousers for my little boy!
These are all exquisite! Like a lot of people, I think I like the birch forest one best though . . .
Thanks for letting us know about such great fabrics. So lovely.
OMG so pretty ... i really don't need any more fabric, but all these are so tempting !!
The trees from showpony for me!
It's hard to choose. I think I like Leanne's as it still has that lino print feel to it.
Have you seen Jane Foster's too?
Thanks for the highlight! Nice to be grouped with such talent.
I too love Spoonflower.What a wonderful way for design wannabees to start out....Watch out for my new designs too.Hope you feel better soon...
Glad it's not just me with a fabric addiction! ;)
Fabric Nation - thanks for letting me know about Jane Foster's fabric... I love her work!
I love betz white's fabrics think I saw an article in sew hip magazine its just so gorgeous!
Thanks for including the "doiliez" fabric! Great roundup!
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