Monday 15 June 2009

I'm Running a Flower Shop

Well, not really but it definitely seems like that at the moment - I've been listing so many flower brooches!

I got the chance to do a big Etsy shop update today, and have added some cheerful "bloom" brooches and headbands that have been languishing shamefully in my wip box for almost a year...I've also started listing my new eco felt flowers, which I actually designed after playing around with the leaf shapes from those bloom pieces. Funny how one thing leads to another, isn't it?

As planned, the larger flowers are chunky brooches...... and the smaller ones (still quite large at 4 inches across!) have a plastic comb sewn on so you can wear them in your hair:As usual, all the designs will be listed gradually in my Etsy shop over the coming days. All the eco flowers are one of a kind, so - please excuse cheeky sales pitch! - if there's one you particularly want let me know (I'm always happy to reserve things).

UPDATE: The design I used for my eco flowers is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns:


Tumus said...

ooo look at you and your clever self ^_^ Nice work! I do love the orange one with the wooden button best.

Gilly said...

Wonderful work! I love that they're eco-friendly, and the vintage buttons are a lovely touch :)

Unknown said...

çok güzeller şahane:)