It snowed! Woohoo!

Last time it snowed like this (many years ago) I was a student and lived here...

... so my current hometown has a lot to live up to! It's still rather lovely though: even wheelie bins are suddenly charming with a hat of snow on top of them.
The Post Office is closed, and many of my neighbours are off work so lots of tea is being drunk and lots of snowy walks are being taken instead of, you know, doing some actual work... but normal service will be resumed soon :)
It looks so nice! I'm glad you could stay home and enjoy it! ^_^
Yes, fresh snow is just lovely - it covers everything with a fresh and clean white blanket.
Your pictures are beautiful!
Hurrah for tea and snow days :D
Is that York or is my British geography even worse than I thought....?
The winter wonderland is Goldney Hall in Bristol :)
I loved our Day of Snow (even though it actually meant a day of no pay since neither of us could get into central London). It was that gorgeous dry, fluffy stuff. Never seen anything like it before in my life! xx
That's Bristol?! Oh my I'm really in trouble now.... especially as my parents live all of twenty mintutes outside it
*hangs head in shame*
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