Tuesday 14 October 2008

The Nights are Drawing In...

... and I keep getting caught unawares: unable to take photos 'cause I've left it too late in the day and it's dark already! This blogging lark and the demands of my almost daily photo taking means that along with switching to porridge for breakfast and warm jumpers, I'm going to have to adjust to taking photos earlier in the day and at different windows to catch the right kind of light.

This is an interesting addition to my autumnal routine-changes and also a long winded excuse for why I have nothing to show and tell today! I'll be back tomorrow with news of a fun crafty project but in the meantime please read this fab little article about how moustaches are terribly on trend, darling. Check out the 'staches at Vivienne Westwood! Awesome.


Anonymous said...

It's not just you... I've got a small selection of things to photograph which I remember about 7pm each evening. Excepting today, but its raining and very very dreary!!