I have done nothing today. Nothing at all! I have sat on the sofa eating jaffa cakes and watching episodes of "Germany's Next Top Model" on YouTube and generally slobbing about being lazy. I like to pretend that the subtitles mean I can't really get on with anything else and that I just
have to sit there gawping like a goldfish doing nothing whatsoever, but really I just want a lazy day today and gosh darn it I shall have one! I'll do my chores tomorrow, I swear...
I did at least post the first Featured Seller interview over on the
UK Etsy Sellers blog this morning - Anna of
SakuraFubukiDesigns is the first featured seller, answering lots of my questions like the sweetheart she is. When she sent me her answers she attached pictures of the second necklace she made using the beads I gave her via the swap group, another gorgeous piece inspired by characters in Arthurian novels:

Having read a lot of that sort of fiction when I was younger, and also done a whole course on Arthurian Literature at university, I can really clearly imagine the type of characters that would wear these pieces. Both the necklaces have such strong auras about them now, I am so delighted to see the beads given this exciting new life. She also sent pics of the half-dozen other pieces of jewellery she'd made since the beads restored her "creative mojo". Hurrah!
I haven't made anything in ages, so was quite pleased yesterday to have to help the boyf make thankyou cards to various Liberal Democrats... Not the best things I've ever made, but fun to do and great to just get down to making stuff. Here you can see the logo I enlarged from their website, the piece of greaseproof baking paper I was using to trace with, and the three different versions I tested.

The top version was a sponge-printed stencil that didn't work too well because I couldn't get my acrylic paint to a controllable consistency - too thick and it wouldn't work with the sponge and too watery and it leaked everywhere and was far too messy. Definitely need to test this one out again though cos if it worked it would look great. The second was painted with standard acrylic paint straight from the tube (much too dark), and the third was painted with watered-down acrylic.
I went with the third option, and am quite pleased with how the colour is spot-on and how even though they're all a little rough around the edges they don't look too bad. The water has rippled the card a bit but not hugely. They will do, anyway, and the big pile of them is rather satisfying. Here are just some of the finished cards:
They are cute cards :)
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