There was a lot of trial and error involved in the design process, but it was very enjoyable solving the problems of how to turn the picture in my head into a little pixelated, stitched picture... and I was so pleased with how it turned out!
I totally meant to draw up a neat version of the chart to share with you guys, but (as I couldn't mention at the time) I was busy working on my new book and I just didn't have the time to get it sorted out. Boo.
11 months later, I have finally drawn up the chart so you can stitch your own cross stitch snow globe. Yay!
You can find the chart and a few notes at the bottom of this post. The chart should be pretty simple to follow if you look at a photo of the finished piece - I've marked all the outlines and main shapes, you just need to fill in the blocks of colour as shown in the photos. I hope the notes will all make sense, but if there's something you're not sure about, please do leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
I haven't included suggested thread colours, as I just used some random shades from my stash but you will need: silver or light grey (the metallic silver thread looks great but it is a total pain to stitch with!), white for the snow, sky blue (this should be dark enough that the white "snowflakes" stand out clearly), brown for the cabin and the tree trunks, and green for the tree branches.
I stitched my snow globe on 14 count Aida, and used half strands of embroidery thread for all the cross stitching (e.g. three strands of six-stranded thread). I also used a single strand of black thread for the outline of the door and the window frame.
Click here to view the chart in another window/tab, and print it at 100%.
This cross stitch pattern is for non commercial use only: stitch as many snow globes as you like as gifts, but please don't make any for sale or sell the chart itself. If you blog about this project, please don't post the full size chart on your site and remember to credit me and link back to my blog or this post. Thanks!
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Very nice!
Thanks for a patern!
No problem, Anastasia! I'm glad you like it x
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