Wednesday 25 May 2011

A Short Break

I've decided to take a short break over half term to focus on a bit of creative brainstorming - developing some new designs, planning tutorials for the blog, etc.

I'll still be blogging, but I won't be shipping orders. Any orders placed in my shops between 26th May and 5th June will be shipped asap in the week beginning 6th June.

If you want something shipped before that, please place your order today! (25th May).

P.S. just because it feels wrong publishing a blog post without a picture in it, here's a peek at my granny square progress:

I'm using up scrap yarn to make a giant square... I'll most likely unravel it when I've run out of yarn (is it called frogging in crochet or is that just knitting?) but it's making me quite tempted to buy some nice colours and make a blanket from one giant square.


the Blue Rabbit House. said...

It's so nice to see your crocheting has become so good! I think your blanket will look really pretty.

Happybee said...

this is beautiful!!!

kjsutcliffe said...

Frogging in crochet too. Nice work x

Tumus said...

The granny square really looks sharp :) Wish we had a knitting circle around these parts.

Life Adorned said...

yes, keep going! looks great.

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks guys! I don't have much of this yarn, but I think I may revisit this colour combo for a future project :)

Great to know that frogging is the right word!