I ummed and aahed about the best option, weighing up the need to present things "professionally", protect my pieces in the mail, and to avoid creating lots of waste or raising my postage costs. In the end I settled on reusable grip-seal bags, with an info card inside + a bit of bubblewrap for the brooches to help protect the clasps in transit... and for larger items (like my masks) I'm working on matching swing tags.

I'm pretty happy with how it looks, though I had been swearing at my printer quite a lot this week! It prints perfectly on white card but really doesn't like the coloured stuff so until I can find a brand of card it will print on without smudging (and wasting loads of sheets of card in the process) I'm going to have to stick with white. Oh well.
g8 idea, thinking about the environment and cost is hard when u run a business im sure. the packaging looks lovely and im sure ur customers will love it too, especially with their handmade felt items
Jo xxxx
Always the way! Solve one problem and get another!. They still look good on the white card though. By the way love the new coloured felts.
I like it.
Good idea.
Your packaging looks great!!
If you want to solve your problem of printing and cut down on costs you might think of getting a stamp made for you. I got mine from
www.jlmould.etsy.com , I got a logo stamp, a stamp for my paper bags for when I'm selling a markets and also a return address one.
You can see I use it on all my packages in this blog post.
Try putting the printer onto 'fast' or 'draft' mode - it uses less ink and is less likely to smudge.
Packing is very important to make your product look better and protect it at the same time... good luck with this fun process!! :)
Thanks for the comments & suggestions everyone! Luckily I'm starting to really like the white cards looks now :)
nicedaydesigns - your stall looks fab! thanks for the link x
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