Monday 1 February 2010

Crimson Petals

I've been busy doing lots of admin this weekend, and working on a custom order for a wedding that includes lots of crimson corsage brooches...... made from an old wool sweater and lots and lots and lots of black beads!


Ruby Reloved said...

They're amazing!!! *runs off to think what felt lovelies she could have at her wedding*

Hannah said...

wow, how big was the sweater??

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Really really really pretty!!!
Have a great week

Tumus said...

how do you find a needle small enough to fit thru those beads? I have the worst time lol. That IS alot of beads though!

Janina Modaal said...

Very very cute!
And a lot of work, i guess :o).

Dan said...

These look wonderful!!

Unknown said...

Oooh love those -red is my fave colour. Just wanted to let you know I've nominated you for the sunshine blog award...

Anonymous said...

You do beautiful work. I love them. Thanks for sharing. Alaska/p

Bagladee said...

They are so lovely, and what a genius idea for a sweater. x

Fiona said...

How lovely. Your feltwork is so neat.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh these are so so pretty!!! xx

cream_city_chick-A-DEE said...

How beautiful! A spot of sunshine!

Anonymous said...

what a fabulous wedding momento. Much better than flowers that are dead a weak into married life. Or if you're like me never even make it home with you because you leave them in a sink in the loos at your reception. hey ho, if I did it all over again I'd be placing an order for sure. lush x

Thoris Designs said...

Those look great. What a fantastic way to reuse the sweater.

MitziMakes said...

They are so pretty! How did you manage to reuse your old sweater without it falling apart?

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks everyone! The sweater was an 100% wool one which I turned into felt (there are lots of tutorials online for how to do this if you're interested) - it makes lovely thick felt :)

MitziMakes said...

Ah i see! Thanks that's a great tip!

Anita said...

I love them :)


These are really sweet and a good combination of color and material - and I love the conecept of resycling.