Tuesday 12 May 2009


Thanks to a great suggestion by the lovely JennyFlower I have finally cracked the butterfly-flower pieces I was having so much angst over a few days ago. She suggested I try using black felt instead of the white and it looks fab:All the colours still look really vibrant, but the black ties the flowers and butterflies together helping them look much more connected and "complete" than before and causing me to do a little happy dance. Hurrah!

Jenny has sweetly refused a thankyou freebie so instead I shall just mention that she sells her pretty corsages and clips in her Folksy shop, she ships worldwide and they are a total bargain :)


Rhiannon said...

Spectacular success! hurrah!

Mary Kelly said...

Hi there! I nominated you for an award on my blog! :)


Anonymous said...

Ah they're lovely. Very summery :)

Fabric Nation said...

They look fab, and Jennyflower is great. She is also working hard organising the Makey Do in Sandwich on July 11th - http://amakeydo.blogspot.com/

nickynackynoo said...


S said...

Wow, what a difference changing to black. Love them!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those look amazing now!

Melissa Crowe said...

Oh, yes! That's a perfect fix!

Bagladee said...


jennyflowerblue said...

Thank you! (Bows gracefully)xxxx

Swirlyarts said...

Oh they look lovely. Jenny is indeed wonderful :)

Karin said...

Great suggestion, go Jenny! They do look lovely, especially the red one!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Despina, thanks for your comment, I don't want to publish the link (as I'm sure you'll understand!) but I'm looking into it!

Gill Slone - Beadography said...

Love these - elegant, classy and very eyecatching.

Nic said...

I love these. Are you making them as hairbands or pin badges?

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks Nic! They'll be brooches and hairbands - almost finished now, just need to get round to taking the photos! :)